Parses torrent name of a movie or TV show.
Possible parts extracted:
- audio
- codec
- container
- episode
- episodeName
- excess
- extended
- garbage
- group
- hardcoded
- language
- proper
- quality
- region
- repack
- resolution
- season
- title
- website
- year
$ npm install torrent-name-parser
var tnp = require('torrent-name-parser');
tnp('Captain Russia The Summer Soldier (2014) 1080p BrRip x264 - YIFY');
{ year: 2014,
resolution: '1080p',
quality: 'BrRip',
codec: 'x264',
group: 'YIFY',
title: 'Captain Russia The Summer Soldier' }
{ season: 5,
episode: 2,
resolution: '720p',
quality: 'HDTV',
codec: 'x264',
group: 'KILLERS',
title: 'The Staying Alive' }
/* You can also add custom regex if you want more or different extraction
The part type is optional. Default is the matching string */
tnp.configure({newPart: /someRegex/, existingPart: /overridingRegex/},
{newPart: 'partType');
/* or */
{isRartv: /rar(tv|bg)/}, {isRartv: 'boolean'});
{ season: 5,
episode: 2,
resolution: '720p',
quality: 'HDTV',
codec: 'x264',
group: 'KILLERS',
isRartv: true,
title: 'The Staying Alive' }
Simply run
$ node test.js