
Tacotron text to speech in C++(synthesize only)

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Text-to-speech in (partially) C++ using Tacotron model + Tensorflow

Running Tacotron model in TensorFlow C++ API.

Its good for running TTS in mobile or embedded device.

Code is based on keithito's tacotron implementation: https://github.com/keithito/tacotron



Python preprocessing is required to generate sequence data from a text.


  • TensorFlow r1.8+
  • Ubuntu 16.04 or later
  • C++ compiler + cmake

Dump graph.

In keithito's tacotron repo, append tf.train.write_graph to Synthesizer::load to save TensorFlow graph.

class Synthesizer:
  def load(self, checkpoint_path, model_name='tacotron'):


    # write graph
    tf.train.write_graph(self.session.graph.as_graph_def(), "models/", "graph.pb")

Freeze graph

Freeze graph for example:

freeze_graph \
        --input_graph=models/graph.pb \
        --input_checkpoint=./tacotron-20180906/model.ckpt \
        --output_graph=models/tacotron_frozen.pb \

Example freeze graph file is included in this repo.


Edit libtensorflow_cc.so path(Assume you build TensorFlow from source code) in bootstrap.sh, then

$ ./bootstrap.sh
$ build
$ make

Note on libtensorflow_cc

Please make sure building libtensorflow_cc with --config=monolithic. Otherwise you'll face undefined symbols error at linking stage.



Prepare sequence JSON file. Sequence can be generated by using text_to_sequence() function in keithito's tacotron repo.

See sample/sequence01.json for generated example.


$ ./tts -i ../sample/sequence01.json -g ../tacotron_frozen.pb output.wav

example output01.wav and processed01.wav is included in sample/

Optional parameter

You can specify hyperparameter settings(JSON format) using -h option. See sample/hparams.json for example.

$ ./tts -i ../sample/sequence01.json -h ../sample/hparams.json -g ../tacotron_frozen.pb output.wav


Currently TensorFlow C++ code path only uses single CPU core, so its slow. Time for synthesis is roughly 10x slower on 2018's CPU than synthesized audio length(e.g. 60 secs for 6 secs audio).


  • Write all TTS pipeline fully in C++
    • Text to sequence(Issue #1)
      • Convert to lower case
      • Expand abbreviation
      • Normalize numbers(number_to_words. python inflect equivalent)
      • Remove extra whitespace
    • Use CPU implementation of Griffin-Lim


MIT license.

Pretrained model used for freezing graph is obtained from keithito's repo.

Third party licenses

  • json.hpp : MIT license
  • cxxopts.hpp : MIT license
  • dr_wav : Public domain