
:black_joker: OpenAI Gym No Limit Texas Hold 'em Environment for Reinforcement Learning

Primary LanguagePython

TrendMicro CoreTech Allhands Holdem Competetion Training Tool

known issue

  • sidepot

OpenAI Gym

OpenAI Gym 官方網址

Gym is a toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.

Gym 提供了一個測試 Reinforcement Learning的環境框架, 並且沒有對 Agent做任何假設

另外也可以參考 DeepMind 針對德州撲克的環境DeepMind Poker


這一個版本是從 wenkesj/holdem改寫,主要多增加了以下功能

  • 修改因 openai/gym 在 commit #836 spec change所造成的 crash
  • 新增 cycle attribute (發牌一輪為 round, 玩一次為 cycle)
  • 新增 Interface連接 Trend Micro server
  • 新增 agent template (必須提供兩個 method讓 controller呼叫 (controller為溝通 environment與 agent的橋梁)
  • 修改因 全部 player hold所造成的 crash
  • 限制每一 round 同一 player raise 次數上限為 4次 (可透過參數修改) (自動改成 CALL)
  • 修改 to_call為 此 round絕對數值

另外有改寫 ihendley/treys,這一個repo是改寫自 */deuce為提供 poker相關計算與管理

  • 修改 f-string not supported under python 3.6
  • 修改 serup.py在 windows paltform造成的 encoding issue (cp950 decode error)

名詞解釋 (這裡 refactor會影響到 interface暫時先不更改)

  1. 局(Episode): 一局遊戲是指參賽的10名玩家進入一張遊戲桌, 持有相等的初始籌碼, 對戰直到本遊戲桌只剩下 不多於半數 玩家勝出, 而其餘玩家因籌碼耗盡而出局為止, 一局由多圈構成
  2. 圈(): 一圈是指 dealer button 圍繞牌桌在每個未出局的玩家手上都出現一次為止為一圈,一圈由多輪構成,在一圈過程中大小盲注數額相等,但是下一圈開始時大小盲注翻倍
  3. 輪(CYCLE): 一輪遊戲是指每次荷官重新發公共牌和私有牌, 每個玩家按回合進行決策, 直到除了一名玩家之外全部棄牌, 或者5張公共牌完全翻開為止, 決出本輪勝負並清算籌碼, 一輪由多個回合構成
  4. 回合(ROUND)): 一回合是指所有玩家依次take action, 稱為一回合, 一個回合中有多個(分別來自各個玩家的)action
  5. action(STEP): 一個action是指輪到某一個玩家 call/raise/check/fold/bet/allin 玩家通過 AI 客戶端完成其中一種決策稱之為一個action


# better run under virtualenv
git clone https://github.com/chuchuhao/holdem.git
pip install gym
pip install websocket-client
pip install git+https://github.com/chuchuhao/treys # 若非 windows環境可以直接 pip install treys


  • local_example: environment為 gym
  • web_example: enviroment為 Trend Micro Server

Agent需要提供的 interface

Agent必須為一個 class並且提供下面兩個 method

  • takeAction(self, state, playerid) return ACTION (namedtupled)
  • getReload(self, state) reutrn {True/ False}

如何參與 TM holdem

Train Phase

  • 將下面會介紹的 State Tuple拿出 verorized state 餵給 model吃
  • 可以利用 env利用指定 policy來生成 training data做 batch learning
  • 可以利用 env並搭配 RL algorithm來做 online training
  • 自行撰寫 expert rule

Valid Phase

  • 可以利用 env來觀察 model行為

Test Phase

  • 連上 TM Server做測試


⚠️ 這裡的 state與 openai/gym裡面所設定的 observation space不完全一樣, 是包裝給 agent用的

agent會接到一個由 namedtuple所包成的 state, 包含下列三個項目

  1. player_states: 長度為此桌 seat 座位數的 Tuple

    • 每一個 item為 player_sates:
      • emptyplayer, (boolean), 0 seat is empty, 1 is not 表示這一個位子有沒有玩家註冊
      • seat, (number), 玩家的 seat number, seat也是 玩家的初始順序, 過程中不會改變
      • stack, (number), 玩家剩餘籌碼
      • playing_hand, (boolean), 玩家目前有在玩此 cycle
      • handrank, (number), 由 treys.Evaluator.evaluate(hand, community), 每一個 round結束後都會計算
      • playedthisround, (boolean), 玩家是否已經玩過此 round (1 cycle 有4 rounds)
      • betting, (number), 玩家在此 cycle已下注的金額
      • isallin, (boolean), 0 not all in, 1 all in
      • lastsidepot, (number), resolve when someone all in 目前 sidepot相關功能都沒有使用
      • reloadCount, (number), 在 openai/gym中沒有適用到 reload功能
      • hand, (list(2)), 長度為 2的 必須使用 TREYS提供的 API解讀
  2. community_state: 這裡所提到的 id = seat number

    • button, (number), the id of bigblind 莊家位置 (順序: 莊家> 小盲 > 大盲)
    • smallblind, (number), the current small blind amount 小盲注籌碼數
    • bigblind, (number), the current big blind amount 大盲注籌碼數
    • totalpot, (number), the current total amount in the community pot 所有人下注的總籌碼數
    • lastraise, (number), the last posted raise amount 最後一個 raise的人 增加的籌碼數
    • call_price, (number), 此 round要 call的絕對籌碼數
    • to_call, (number), 此 round要 call的相對籌碼數 (絕對籌碼數 - 此 round已出籌碼數)
    • current_player, (id), the id of current player 目前決策的玩家 id


  1. community_cards: 長度為 5的 list, 每一個 item唯一張卡
  • card -1時代表牌面未公布, 另外 card的值為一 Number須由 TREY解讀


⚠️ 這裡的 action與 openai/gym裡面所設定的 action space不完全一樣, 是包裝給 agent用的

agent要做出一個 action的時候, 必須丟出一個 ACTION的 namedtuple

  • action: 由 action_table() class提供, 這裡與 TM提供的 interface稍有不同, 但會自動轉換
    • action_table.CHECK 歲月靜好 (不下注)
    • action_table.CALL 跟 (下注, 但不指定金額)
    • action_table.RAISE 提高開殺 (下注, 指定親俄)
    • action_table.FOLD 放棄 GG (不下注放棄)
  • amount: 當地一個選額為 RAISE時, 會查看此一項目

以下為原版 wenkesj/holdem版本的 readme

⚠️ This is an experimental API, it will most definitely contain bugs, but that's why you are here!

pip install holdem

Afaik, this is the first OpenAI Gym No-Limit Texas Hold'em* (NLTH) environment written in Python. It's an experiment to build a Gym environment that is synchronous and can support any number of players but also appeal to the general public that wants to learn how to "solve" NLTH.

*Python 3 supports arbitrary length integers 💸

Right now, this is a work in progress, but I believe the API is mature enough for some preliminary experiments. Join me in making some interesting progress on multi-agent Gym environments.


There is limited documentation at the moment. I'll try to make this less painful to understand.

env = holdem.TexasHoldemEnv(n_seats, max_limit=1e9, debug=False)

Creates a gym environment representation a NLTH Table from the parameters:

  • n_seats - number of available players for the current table. No players are initially allocated to the table. You must call env.add_player(seat_id, ...) to populate the table.
  • max_limit - max_limit is used to define the gym.spaces API for the class. It does not actually determine any NLTH limits; in support of gym.spaces.Discrete.
  • debug - add debug statements to play, will probably be removed in the future.

env.add_player(seat_id, stack=2000)

Adds a player to the table according to the specified seat (seat_id) and the initial amount of chips allocated to the player's stack. If the table does not have enough seats according to the n_seats used by the constructor, a gym.error.Error will be raised.

(player_states, community_states) = env.reset()

Calling env.reset resets the NLTH table to a new hand state. It does not reset any of the players stacks, or, reset any of the blinds. New behavior is reserved for a special, future portion of the API that is yet another feature that is not standard in Gym environments and is a work in progress.

The observation returned is a tuple of the following by index:

  1. player_states - a tuple where each entry is tuple(player_info, player_hand), this feature can be used to gather all states and hands by (player_infos, player_hands) = zip(*player_states).
    • player_infos - is a list of int features describing the individual player. It contains the following by index: 0. [0, 1] - 0 - seat is empty, 1 - seat is not empty.
      1. [0, n_seats - 1] - player's id, where they are sitting.
      2. [0, inf] - player's current stack.
      3. [0, 1] - player is playing the current hand.
      4. [0, inf] the player's current handrank according to treys.Evaluator.evaluate(hand, community).
      5. [0, 1] - 0 - player has not played this round, 1 - player has played this round.
      6. [0, 1] - 0 - player is currently not betting, 1 - player is betting.
      7. [0, 1] - 0 - player is currently not all-in, 1 - player is all-in.
      8. [0, inf] - player's last sidepot.
    • player_hands - is a list of int features describing the cards in the player's pocket. The values are encoded based on the treys.Card integer representation.
  2. community_states - a tuple(community_infos, community_cards) where:
    • community_infos - a list by index: 0. [0, n_seats - 1] - location of the dealer button, where big blind is posted.
      1. [0, inf] - the current small blind amount.
      2. [0, inf] - the current big blind amount.
      3. [0, inf] - the current total amount in the community pot.
      4. [0, inf] - the last posted raise amount.
      5. [0, inf] - minimum required raise amount, if above 0.
      6. [0, inf] - the amount required to call.
      7. [0, n_seats - 1] - the current player required to take an action.
    • community_cards - is a list of int features describing the cards in the community. The values are encoded based on the treys.Card integer representation. There are 5 int in the list, where -1 represents that there is no card present.


import gym
import holdem

def play_out_hand(env, n_seats):
  # reset environment, gather relevant observations
  (player_states, (community_infos, community_cards)) = env.reset()
  (player_infos, player_hands) = zip(*player_states)

  # display the table, cards and all

  terminal = False
  while not terminal:
    # play safe actions, check when noone else has raised, call when raised.
    actions = holdem.safe_actions(community_infos, n_seats=n_seats)
    (player_states, (community_infos, community_cards)), rews, terminal, info = env.step(actions)

env = gym.make('TexasHoldem-v1') # holdem.TexasHoldemEnv(2)

# start with 2 players
env.add_player(0, stack=2000) # add a player to seat 0 with 2000 "chips"
env.add_player(1, stack=2000) # add another player to seat 1 with 2000 "chips"
# play out a hand
play_out_hand(env, env.n_seats)

# add one more player
env.add_player(2, stack=2000) # add another player to seat 1 with 2000 "chips"
# play out another hand
play_out_hand(env, env.n_seats)