
A mode-locked fiber laser simulator 锁模光纤激光器仿真

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT


A Mode-Locked Fiber Laser (MoLFil) simulator.

General info

This project simulates pulses generation and evolution in mode-locke fiber lasers. The pulse evolution in fiber is calcuated by solving GNLSE using Interaction Picture Method Algorithm [1]. The original codes of this project were written for this paper [2], which contains only a minimum amount of the whole codes used.

The project is currently under development.


The project is created with:

  • MATLAB version: 2018b


mainP1.m: run a simulation and produce results of Point 1 of Figure 2 in [2].

Works in progress

A simple data flow graph (DFG) presentation of Mode-Locked Fiber Laser Models to seperate layout and connection of optical components from their implementation.

A DFG presentation can be built into some evaluatable object by a Builder.

Imaging you can simply write somthing like

model = defind some model use DFG
evaluaion = model.build(Some Builder)
evaluaion(Some simulation settings)

In this way, it is easy to evaluate a same model with

  • different simulation settings (more points, fine step, etc.),
  • different algorithms to simulate some specific kind of optical components (better gain model, multimode pulse simulation, etc.),
  • and even tools written in other language.

All these can be done by adding a new Builder class to generate the evaluatable.

Also, it turns out to be clear that, the idea of DFG presentation is not only suitable for Mode-locked fiber laser models, but also for Cascaded Fiber Supercontinuum Generation models.

Examples of current DFG design

Following are codes that generate a Cascaded Fiber Supercontinuum model.

% Define a fiber component
fiber = component.Fiber();

% Create some "Node"s that performs Fiber operation
% SMF stands for single mode fiber
SMF1 = simulation.Fiber("SMF1", fiber);
SMF2 = simulation.Fiber("SMF2", fiber);
SMF3 = simulation.Fiber("SMF3", fiber);

% Create a input Node
In = simulation.Input("In");

% Now simply put the Nodes together
% Think it like:
% Out = In -> SMF1 -> SMF2 -> SMF3
% It is injecting a input (like a powerful laser pulse) through three cascaded fiber sections
% No "->" operator in Matlab, so it end up like this
Out = In + SMF1 + SMF2 + SMF3;

% Generate some human-readable statement presentation of the model
statements = Out.statements()

The statements will contain a multiline string:

t0 = In.Input()
t1 = SMF1.Fiber[fiber=component.Fiber](t0)
t2 = SMF2.Fiber[fiber=component.Fiber](t1)
t3 = SMF3.Fiber[fiber=component.Fiber](t2)

These staments show what any builders of the DFG model should implement to make the DFG an evaluable.

Codes Arrangement

  • simulation package contains codes that help reuse a few MATLAB syntax to present a MoLFil Model in DFG and simply build the MoLFil Model to

    • Human readable statements
    • Evaluation object, given a specific Builder implementation
  • component package contains optical components packed in classes. And some helper methods to calculate parameters for those components.


  • DFG generation
  • DFG build process
  • A pure MATLAB Builder implementation using existing codes in SimMLFL
    • DFG Evaluation Class
    • flow control operations
  • Fill component package with concrete classes
    • components need for F8L
    • more components
  • Docs
  • Examples