
Generalized Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation based simulation of nonlinear broadening of ultrashort pulses in optical fibers.



Generalized Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation based simulation of nonlinear broadening of ultrashort pulses in optical fibers. GNU Octave / Mathworks MATLAB compatible code.

Creative Commons License
fiberGNLSE by Víctor A. Bettachini is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Further details at
‘Optimum Integration Procedures for Supercontinuum Simulation’.
Rieznik, A. A., A. M. Heidt, P. G. Konig, V. A. Bettachini, and D. F. Grosz.
Photonics Journal, IEEE 4, no. 2 (12 April 2012): 552–560.

Octave functions used:

  • Generator (directory) generate spectra
  • General: (script) Spans sim parameters
    • Parameters (function)
      • Currently: "37 fs pulses (FWHM – sech2) centered at 830 nm launched into a 75 cm-length PCF fiber, with non-linear coefficient γ = 78 W-1km-1 and zero-dispersion wavelength at 790 nm."
    • zentrum: (function) Runs SSFM of pump in given fibre with sim parameters, generates graphs
    • InputField (function)
    • expFileNameNext: (function)
    • NLSE: (function)
    • GenPlots: (function)
    • SpectLabel_oct.m (function)
    • SimLog (function)