
A comprehensive list of nonlinear optics and photonics acronyms and abbreviations.

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Nonlinear optics acronyms and abbreviations

A comprehensive list of nonlinear optics acronyms and abbreviations. Feel free to ⭐ it!

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Acronym Description (ENG) Description (PL) Definition
ANDi all–normal dispersion dyspersja całkowitonormalna Medium is said to have all-normal dispersion if the refractive index decreases with increasing wavelength for whole spectrum
AS analytic signal sygnał analityczny Complex-valued function that has no negative frequency components
BF Bragg fiber światlłowód Bragga Optical fiber build from reflective structures in the core with a periodic or aperiodic perturbation of the effective refractive index
BS Bragg scattering rozpraszanie Bragga Effects of the reflection of electromagnetic waves on periodic structures whose distances are in the range of wavelength
CE conical emission emisja stożkowa Phenomena observed from intense femtosecond light pulses propagating over long distances as self-focused narrow pulses
CNLSE coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation sprzężone nieliniowe równanie Schrödingera Coupled set of equations describes the propagation of the wave through a single/multi-mode fiber
CW continous wave fala ciągła Electromagnetic wave, especially a radio wave, having a constant amplitude
DW dispersive wave radiation promieniowanie dyspersyjne Linearly propagating wave which is split off by a soliton wave under certain conditions
FFT fast Fourier transform transformata Fouriera Algorithm that computes the discrete Fourier transform
FMF few–mode fiber światłowód kilkumodowy Fiber supporting only few guided modes
FWHM full width at half maximum szerokość połówkowa Duration of pulse waveforms given by the difference between the two extreme values of the time at which the dependent variable is equal to half of its maximum value
FWM four wave mixing mieszanie czterofalowe Nonlinear effect arising from a third-order optical nonlinearity, in which two beams of interact, initiating the formation of two more beams; the sum of the frequencies of the interacting beams is equal to the sum of the frequencies of the excitation beams
GMMNLSE multimodal generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation wielomodowe uogólnione nieliniowe równanie Schrödingera Multimode generalized set of equations describes the propagation of the wave through a multimode fiber
GNLSE generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation uogólnione nieliniowe równanie Schrödingera Generalized equation describes the propagation of the wave through a single-mode fiber
GPE Gross–Pitaevskii equation równanie Grossa-Pitajewskiego Equation describing the ground state of a quantum system of identical bosons using the Hartree–Fock approximation and the pseudopotential interaction model
GRIN graded–index profil gradientowy Continuously varying refractive index in the radial dimension
GVD group-velocity dispersion dyspersja prędkości grupowej Derivative of the inverse of group velocity of light in a material with respect to angular frequency
GVLVS group-velocity-locked vector soliton spułapkowany solitonu ze wzgledu na dwójłomność Orthogonal polarizations coupled together which co-propagate together without dispersing their energy and while retaining their shapes, despite the existence of birefringence between these two polarization modes, they could still adjust their group velocity and be trapped together
GVM group velocity mismatch niedopasowanie prędkości grupowych Phenomenon that pulses become temporally separated in a medium due to different group velocities, or (quantitatively) the difference of inverse group velocities
HB high birefringent wysoce dwójłomne High polarization dependence of the refractive index of a medium
HC hollow–core fiber światlłowód z rdzeniem powietrznym Optical fiber which guides light essentially within a hollow region, so that only a minor portion of the optical power propagates in the solid fiber material (typically a glass)
HEM hybrid electromagnetic mod hybrydowy Hybrid of transverse electric and transverse magnetic mode solutions
HNA high NA fiber światlłowód z dużą aperturą numeryczną Optical fiber which witj large numerical apertule, which can be achived by higher core index, with respect to the cladding
HNL high nonlinear fiber światlłowód wysoce nieliniowy Optical fiber which is designed such that it exhibits relatively strong optical nonlinearities – often about an order of magnitude stronger than for standard fibers
IFFT inverse fast Fourier transformat odwrotna transformata Fouriera Algorithm that computes the inverse discrete Fourier transform
IGV inverse group velocity odwrotność prędkości grupowej Inverse of group velocity with which the overall envelope shape of the wave's amplitudes propagates through space
IM-FWM inter–modal four–wave mixing międzymodowe mieszanie czterofalowe The four wave mixing process supported by two or more spatial modes
IM-V-FWM intermodal–vectorial four–wave mixing wektorowe–międzymodowe mieszanie czterofalowe The four wave mixing process supported by two or more spatial and polarized modes
LMA large mode area fiber światlłowód z dużą średnicą modu Optical fiber with relatively large mode area and a single transverse mode or only a few modes
LP linearly polarized modes mody liniowo spolaryzowane Linearly polarized modes of optical fibers with radially symmetric index profiles in the approximation of weak guidance
MB mode beating dudnienie między modami Difference signal that is generated when two longitudinal laser diode modes interfere with one another
MDW maximum dispersion wavelength długość fali odpowiadająca maksimum dyspersji Wavelength corresponding to the chromatic dispersion maximum
MI modulation instablility niestabilność modulacyjna Nonlinear optical effect which amplifies modulations of optical power
MM-GNLSE multimodal generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation wielomodowe uogólnione nieliniowe równanie Schrödingera Multimode generalized set of equations describes the propagation of the wave through a multimode fiber
MM-UPPE multimodal unidirectional pulse propagation equation model wielomodowej jednokierunkowej propagacji impulsu Multimode equation describes the propagation of the wave through a nonlinear medium
MMF multimode fiber światłowód wielomodowy Fiber supporting more than one guided mode per polarization direction
MMNLSE multimode nonlinear Schrödinger equation wielomodowe nieliniowe równanie Schrödingera Multimode set of equations describes the propagation of the wave through a multi-mode fiber
MMS multimode soliton soliton wielomodowy Multimode pulses with a certain balance of nonlinear and dispersive effects propagating exchaniging energy beetwen different modes
MOF microstructured optical fibers światłowód mikrostrukturalny Optical fiber where guiding is obtained through manipulation of waveguide structure
MPA massively parallel algorithm algorytm masowo zrównoleglony Parallel method considering many subsequent small steps, which are computed in parallel and then iterating until the error is below a given tolerance
NA numerical aperture apertura numeryczna Sine of the maximum angle of an incident beam of some optical device, or the sine of the acceptance angle of a waveguide or fiber
NLO nonlinear optics optyka nieliniowa The branch of optics that describes the behaviour of light in nonlinear media
NLS nonlinear Schrödinger equation nieliniowe równanie Schrödingera Equation describes the propagation of the wave through a single-mode fiber
NLSE nonlinear Schrödinger equation nieliniowe równanie Schrödingera Equation describes the propagation of the wave through a single-mode fiber
OB optical breakdown optyczne załamanie fali (przebicie optyczne) Phenomenon that changes drastically the structure of the surrounding medium and looks like a spark and if the event happens in air or some other fluid, it is even possible to hear a short noise (burst) caused by the explosive plasma expansion
OKE optical Kerr effect optyczny efekt Kerra Change in the refractive index of a material in response to an applied electric field
OPD optical pulse delay różnica opóźnień grupowych Measure of the time delay experienced by narrow-band light pulses in an optical device
PBG photonic band gap fotoniczna przerwa wzbroniona Periodic dielectric profile, which can prevent light of certain frequencies or wavelengths from propagating in one, two or any number of polarisation directions within the materials
PBGF photonic band gap fiber światlłowód z fotonczną przerwą wzbronioną Optical fiber where a photonic bandgap effect rather than a fiber core region with increased refractive index is utilized for guiding light
PC phase conjugation koniugacja fazowa Physical transformation of a wave field where the resulting field has a reversed propagation direction but keeps its amplitudes and phases
PCF photonic crystal fiber światlłowód fotoniczny Special class of optical fibres characterized by a periodical arrangement of microcapillaries that form the fibre's cladding around a solid or hollow defect core
PLVS phase–locked vector solitons spułapkowany solitonu ze wzgledu na różnicę faz Orthogonal polarizations coupled together which co-propagate together without dispersing their energy and while retaining their shapes, despite the existence of birefringence between these two polarization modes, they could still adjust their phase velocity and be trapped together
PM polarisation maintaining utrzymywanie polaryzacji Maintaining a linear polarization during propagation by exiting the specific fiber in a specific linear polarization state
PMD polarization mode dispersion dyspersja polaryzacyjna Form of modal dispersion where two different polarizations of light in a waveguide, which normally travel at the same speed, travel at different speeds due to random imperfections and asymmetries, causing random spreading of optical pulses
RIGV relative inverse group velocities względne odwrotności prędkości grupowych Relative inverse group velocities difference traveled by two rays that pass through different mediums from the same object point
RK4IP Runge–Kutta 4th in the interaction picture algorytm Runge-Kutty 4-rzędu w obrazie oddzialywania Algorithm, which exhibits a fourth-order global accuracy, originally developed for studies on Bose-Einstein condensates
RS raman scattering rozpraszanie Ramana Inelastic scattering of photons by matter
SC supercontinuum promineniowania superciągłe, superkontinuum Smooth spectral continuum of very broad spectrum (white light)
SCG supercontinuum generation generacja superkontinuum Collection of nonlinear processes act together upon a pump beam in order to cause severe spectral broadening of the original pump beam
SDM space division multiplexing multipleksacja przestrzenna Multiplexing technique that enables vast increases in transmission capacity by using space
SEM scaning electron microscopy skaningowy mikroskop elektronowy Type of electron microscope that produces images of a sample by scanning the surface with a focused beam of electrons
SF self–focusing samoogniskowanie wiązki Focusing of a beam in a transparent medium, caused by the beam itself through a nonlinear process in the medium
SFis soliton fission rozbicie solitonowe Nonlinear phenomenon of higher-order soliton splitting into basic solitons - they have different energies and move with different speeds
SFS self–frequency shift samoprzesunięcie częstotliwości Lower-frequency parts of the spectrum are amplified via Raman scattering at the expense of the higher-frequency parts
SHG second-harmonic generation generacja drugiej harmonicznej Nonlinear optical process in which two photons with the same frequency interact with a nonlinear material, and generate a new photon with twice the energy of the initial photons, that conserves the coherence of the excitation
SMF single–mode fiber światłowód jednomodowy Fiber supporting only a single guided mode per polarization direction
SPM self–phase modulation samomodulacja fazy Nonlinear phase modulation of a beam, caused by its own intensity via the Kerr effect
SRS simulated Raman scattering wymuszone rozpraszanie Ramana Nonlinear effect in which energy is coupled from an optical pump beam to longer wavelengths via vibrational modes
SS self–stepening samostromość Sharp slope of light pulses due to propagation in a medium with an intensity-dependent index of refraction
SSFM split–step Fourier method metoda rozdzielonego kroku z transformatą Fouriera Pseudo-spectral numerical method used to solve nonlinear partial differential equations
SSFS soliton self–frequency shift solitonowe samoprzesunięcie częstotliwości Consequence of Raman self-pumping that continuously red-shifts a soliton pulse
TE transverse electric mod poprzeczny elektryczny Electromagnetic wave propagating in a propagation medium in such a manner that the electric field vector is directed entirely transverse
THG third-harmonic generation generacja trzeciej harmonicznej Nonlinear optical process whereby light is generated at a wavelength which is 1/3 of the pump wavelength, and it is achieved by a two stage interaction
TM transverse magnetic mod poprzeczny magnetyczny Electromagnetic wave propagating in a propagation medium in such a manner that the magnetic field vector is directed entirely transverse
VRS vectorial raman scattering wektorowe rozpraszanie Ramana Stimulated Raman scattering process developed for describing the polarization effects
WGA weakly guiding approximation przybliżenie słabego prowadzenia Mathematics for the modes of a weakly guiding fiber can be greatly simplified by taking approximations that core and clading reflactive index difference is very small
WLC white–light continuum światło białe Smooth spectral continuum of very broad spectrum (white light)
XFROG cross–correlation frequency-resolved optical gating wzajemnie skorelowane częstotliwościowo rozdzielcze bramkowanie optyczne Technique gating the unknown pulse with a known pulse and spectrally resolving the resulting signal pulse (a spectrally resolved cross-correlation)
XPM cross phase modulation skrośna modulacja fazy Nonlinear optical effect where one wavelength of light can affect the phase of another wavelength of light through the optical Kerr effect
ZDW zero–dispersion wavelength zerowa dyspersja Wavelength or wavelengths at which material dispersion and waveguide dispersion cancel one another