This is my first project using Spring. I wanted to do e-commerce web application to learn Spring. I have used Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA with H2 database, for views i have used Thymeleaf template and Bootstrap CSS framework.
You can clone this repository and use it localy:
$ git clone
Using Maven plugin
First you should do clean installation:
$ mvn clean install
You can start application using Spring Boot custom command:
$ mvn spring-boot:run
Using Maven plugin and running JAR
You can create JAR file using:
$ mvn clean package
and then run it with:
$ java -jar target/shop-x.x.x.jar
Initially there are 2 users in memory:
Login: admin
Password: admin
with ADMIN role.
Login: user
Password: user
with USER role.
ADMIN can add, edit and delete products.
USER can add products to shopping cart and buy them.
You can run tests using:
$ mvn test
Project is based on MIT License. You can read about the license here.