`# The Ark a text-based RRPG (Random-RPG), in which the future of new, interstellar humanity lays in your human hands and AGI's algorithms.

Story & concept

It's year 2137. The human race integrated with the AI, making a new, godlike specie homo deus. But with all the splendor comes even greater greed - The Gods want to find a way to spread beyond the solar system!

The Ark puts you in the boots of Melon Tusk - the CEO of the biggest private space company on Earth and Mars, SpandeX. And yes, you are a great-grandperson of XAEA-12 Musk.


Your initial goal is to pick the right moment to send, well, The Ark, filled with human embrions, databases with all the scientific and cultural knowledge there is and various electronic devices enabling you to survive navigate through the oddities of space from the surface of the planet of your choice (Earth or Mars).

While this may seem a little overwhelming at first, this is only the beginning. Your main goal is to become the pilot of The Ark and drive The Gods to their new home safely, wherever it might be. As an artificially intelligent being, you have all the time and patience in the universe for picking the perfect destination... Just remember that the ship is not as durable as you are and may be destroyed in varoius ways, alright?


  1. RNG (Random Entity Generator, in fact)