Decompose images into components of different sizes by solving a modified version of the diffusion equation.
numpy nd array, of shape e.g. (nx, ny, nz)
result: numpy nd array, of shape (m, nx, ny, nz). The mth commponent contain structures of sizes 2$^(m-1)$ to 2$^m$ pixels. residual: numpy nd array, of shape (nx, ny, nz) the input data will be recovered as input = sum_i result[i] + residual
python input.fits
the output file will be named as input.fits_scale.fits
import constrained_diffusion_decomposition as cdd
result, residual = cdd.constrained_diffusion_decomposition(data)
An example is avaliable here
Assuuming an input of I(x, y),t he decomposition is achieved by solving the equation
where t is related to the scale l by t = l**2
Li 2022, Multi-Scale Decomposition of Astronomical Maps -- Constrained Diffusion Method