A handy script for querying the new parsec website of Padova/PARSEC isochrones.
Author: Zhaozhou Li (http://github.com/syrte)
This code was written as a part of Li, Shao, Li, et al. 2020, ApJ, 901, 49, Modeling Unresolved Binaries of Open Clusters in the Color-Magnitude Diagram. I. Method and Application of NGC 3532
If you used this code, a link to the repo and citation to the above paper will be appreciated.
- Easy to use
- Flexibility
- Friendly error prompts
- Support latest also previous versions of parsec website
- Decompress .gz files on the fly
# initialize
cmd = ParsecQuery()
# query single isochrone
tab1 = cmd.query_isochrones(t=1e9, Z=0.0152)
# query multiple isochrones
tab2 = cmd.query_isochrones(t=np.linspace(1e9, 3e9, 3), Z=0.0152)
# or
cmd.query_isochrones(t=np.linspace(1e9, 3e9, 3), Z=[0.01, 0.02, 0.03])
# query simulated cluster and save
tab3 = cmd.query(isoc_agelow=1e9, isoc_metlow=0, sim_mtot=1e3, isoc_ismetlog=1, output_kind=3)
# error message with invalid input
tab4 = cmd.query_isochrones(t=1e15, Z=0.0152)
# show options
# check comments of the table, it should end with 'isochrone terminated'
# use earlier cmd version
cmd28 = ParsecQuery(version='cmd_2.8')
cmd28.query_isochrones(t=1e10, Z=0.02)
cmd28.query_isochrones(lgt=8, Z=np.linspace(0.01, 0.02, 3))
cmd28.query_isochrones(t=np.logspace(6, 8, 3), Z=0.02)
All the options on the website are customizable. Running the following command will return the acceptable options on the website.
The meaning should be clear by their names. If not, please consult the website.
The options can be set when calling query_isochrones
, e.g.,
t=1e9, Z=0.0152,
The options for age and metallicity should only be provided via the main interface
, lgt
, Z
, MeH
Example of the options for cmd_3.7. The default values are marked with [x]
"track_parsec": [
"parsec_CAF09_v1.2S [x]",
"track_omegai": [
"0.00 [x]",
"track_colibri": [
"parsec_CAF09_v1.2S_S_LMC_08_web [x]",
"track_postagb": [
"no [x]"
"n_inTPC": "10",
"eta_reimers": "0.2",
"photsys_file": [
"YBC_tab_mag_odfnew/tab_mag_ubvrijhk.dat [x]",
"photsys_version": [
"YBCnewVega [x]",
"dust_sourceM": [
"dpmod60alox40 [x]",
"dust_sourceC": [
"AMCSIC15 [x]"
"extinction_av": "0.0",
"extinction_coeff": [
"constant [x]"
"extinction_curve": [
"cardelli [x]"
"kind_LPV": [
"3 [x]"
"imf_file": [
"tab_imf/imf_kroupa_orig.dat [x]"
"output_kind": [
"0 [x]",
"lf_maginf": "-15",
"lf_magsup": "20",
"lf_deltamag": "0.5",
"sim_mtot": "1.0e4",
"output_gzip": [
"0 [x]",
I might add support to other isochrone models in the future (if I start to use them...).