A fast IO for N-body simulation snapshots of NEMO format.
Open the snapshots file
from nemo import open_nemo
snap = open_nemo('nbody.nemo', file_meta=False)
Load the data of the 10th snapshot
t = snap['SnapShot/10/Parameters/Time'].data
x = snap['SnapShot/10/Particles/Position'].data
v = snap['SnapShot/10/Particles/Velocity'].data
m = snap['SnapShot/10/Particles/Mass'].data
One can also use
t = snap['SnapShot'][10]['Parameters']['Time'].data
Generate meta files for all *.snap files in a given directory.
from multiprocessing import Pool
from pathlib import Path
def func(file):
print(file, flush=True)
snap = open_nemo(file, file_meta=True)
files = list(Path('data').glob('*.snap'))
with Pool(10) as pool:
pool.map_async(func, files).get(1e6)