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[Sharing] pydantic-resolve, an easy way to generate lite-graphql-like nested data with aiodataloader
#41 opened by allmonday - 2
Significant performance degradation because of usage of gather instead of serial await
#40 opened by kevinvalk - 1
Allow overriding get_cache_key method on subclass
#15 opened by dkbarn - 1
Blocking behavior of dispatch_queue_batch
#17 opened by romikforest - 2
Cannot use with pytest
#13 opened by aherok - 2
Cache the Data after future gets resolved
#24 opened by rajanjha786 - 9
Type annotations for DataLoader
#19 opened by allancaffee - 3
- 1
Application batching and dataloading
#21 opened by tinducvo - 1
GraphQL Errors on initial install
#14 opened by jdgreenberger - 15
- 5
Project maintaining
#20 opened by antonmyronyuk - 2
Python 3.10 compatiblity
#22 opened by kevinvalk - 1
Publish a new release
#18 opened by dorianamouroux - 3
Python3.4 equivalent?
#1 opened by wetneb