
A list of startups that offer the Future Founder Promise to their employees

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The Future Founder Promise

Do you want to build your own startup eventually but aren't quite ready? Work at one of the companies offering the Future Founder Promise!


GraphCDN started offering the Future Founder Promise to their employees:

Do you want to build your own startup eventually but aren't quite ready? Come work at GraphCDN, and we'll teach you everything we know about starting something new. Then, once you are ready to start your own company, we'll be your first angel investors and introduce you to all of our investors!

Once other startups started offering it as well we created this list to keep track of which companies to work for if you're a future founder.


Name Public source
GraphCDN Twitter
Turborepo Twitter
Sourcegraph Twitter
incident.io Twitter
Fountane Twitter
Snaplet Twitter

If your company also offers the Future Founder Promise, add yourself to this list by opening a pull request!