
This is an API written in Django to create a survey application

Primary LanguagePython



  • language: Python3
  • Framework: Django
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Database connector: Djongo
  • Infrastructure: Docker and Docker Compose



Django framework is used to build this API. Tests are also done with the Framework's test suite. Used Django models in such a way that creates 2 Mongo DB collections. SurveyQuestion to contain survey questions created and SurveyAnswer to contain answers provided and answers are linked to the questions using ForeignKey. .env is used to store the application database secrets and other application related secrets.


To achieve the requirement of persistent data solutions, the API and Database are seperated from each other within the same network. The API and database containers use persistent storage volume so Data is intact should the containers restart for any reason. Containers connect to each other using container names. Database secrets have been set variables gotten from environment variables in both the code and Docker compose files. This is to help us achieve some form of security and could be improved on in production environments.


  • In order to run the tests for the application locally run python3 manage.py test. This is also included in the docker build step to ensure only code that passed tests is built.


Before you deploy, kindly create and fill in the generic details in mongo-init.js and envsetup.sh to have the database details that you want to use from the "copy" format placeholder files.

Using Docker Compose

  • This solution is deployed using Docker compose. The Docker compose setup includes 2 separate containers which are Mongo DB container and Survey API container.
  • To deploy solution run ./envsetup.sh to create the environment variables to be used by the Docker Compose file then docker-compose up --build -d to start the application.
  • To destroy solution run docker-compose down

Using CI - GitHub Actions

  • test.yml - Pull Requests will Trigger tests
  • deploy.yml - Merge to Master branch will deploy the API using Docker Compose since on a server.

Running locally

To run the code locally (out of docker)

  • Test with python3 manage.py test
  • Start API with python3 manage.py runserver


To access the API, you can use PostMan or any other HTTP Client of your choice

    "surveyQuestion": "Survery Question",

Where "surveyQuestion" is a string with the Survey question.

    "surveyQuestion": ID,
    "surveyOptions": ["Option1", "Option2", "...", "Option N"]

Where "surveyQuestion" is the ID of the Survey question and "surveyOptions" are the available options to answer the Survey.

    "surveyAnswer": "Chosen Answer",
    "surveyQuestion": "Survey Question ID"

Where "surveyAnswer" is a string with the Survey answer and "surveyQuestion" is the ID referencing the survey question answered.