Multi-omic networks in gliomas, ref. PTDC/CCI-BIO/4180/2020
Here are provided the R scripts that reproduce the methodology for updating the tumour classification of TCGA glioma samples in accordance with WHO-2016 and WHO-2021 guidelines, presented in the preprint available at
- In folder Scripts-for-reproducibility are the two main R scripts:
- "2016-classification.R", and
- "2021-classification.R",
that, respectively, implement the Method-2016 and Method-2021 described.
- In folder Final-outputs, are 3 R scripts' files, named:
- "Creation_output1.R"
- "Creation_output2.R"
- "Creation_output3.R"
that create, respectively, the final 3 output files, named:
- "Matrix_WHO2016.csv",
- "Matrix_WHO2021.csv",
with characteristics as described in the preprint.