需要在OpenWrt上设置一个vpn(tun0)接口,然后通过nft实现分流,即访问**区的IP地址时直接通过wan口,访问其他IP地址时通过tun0口。 具体的操作步骤如下:
- 用官方的VERSION="22.03.5"的OpenWrt版本,装上kmod-tun
- (/sing-box目录是工作目录,eth1是Wan口)
- 去sing-box github release里下载二进制程序,放到/sing-box,我的sing-box config.json如下
"log": {
"disabled": true
"dns": {
"servers": [
"tag": "google",
"address": "tls://"
"tag": "local",
"address": "",
"detour": "direct"
"tag": "remote",
"address": "fakeip"
"tag": "block",
"address": "rcode://success"
"rules": [
"geosite": "category-ads-all",
"server": "block",
"disable_cache": true
"outbound": "any",
"server": "local"
"geosite": "cn",
"server": "local"
"query_type": [
"server": "remote"
"fakeip": {
"enabled": true,
"inet4_range": ""
"independent_cache": true,
"strategy": "ipv4_only"
"inbounds": [
"type": "tun",
"inet4_address": "",
"auto_route": true,
"sniff": true,
"strict_route": true,
"stack": "system"
"outbounds": [
"type": "hysteria",
"tag": "hysteria-out",
"server": "xx.xx.xx.xx",
"server_port": xxxx,
"up_mbps": 300,
"down_mbps": 600,
"auth_str": "********",
"tls": {
"enabled": true,
"server_name": "/CN=bing.com",
"insecure": true,
"alpn": [
"type": "direct",
"tag": "direct"
"type": "block",
"tag": "block"
"type": "dns",
"tag": "dns-out"
"route": {
"rules": [
"protocol": "dns",
"outbound": "dns-out"
"geosite": "category-ads-all",
"outbound": "block"
"geosite": "cn",
"geoip": "cn",
"outbound": "direct"
"auto_detect_interface": true
- 在OpenWrt的web界面中,进入网络-接口,添加一个新的接口,命名为vpn,选择协议为无(Unmanaged),覆盖物理设置为tun0,并应用设置。
- 在OpenWrt的web界面中,进入网络-防火墙,编辑vpn接口所属的区域(默认为未分配),将其加入到lan区域,并应用设置。
- 设置为init.d管理:
root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/init.d/sing-box
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# Copyright (C) 2022 by nekohasekai <contact-sagernet@sekai.icu>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
PROG=/sing-box/sing-box # where is sing-box
RES_DIR=/sing-box/ # resource dir / working dir / the dir where you store ip/domain lists
CONF=/sing-box/config.json # where is the config file, it can be a relative path to $RES_DIR
start_service() {
procd_set_param command $PROG run -D $RES_DIR -c $CONF
procd_set_param user root
procd_set_param limits core="unlimited"
procd_set_param limits nofile="1000000 1000000"
procd_set_param stdout 1
procd_set_param stderr 1
procd_set_param respawn "${respawn_threshold:-3600}" "${respawn_timeout:-5}" "${respawn_retry:-5}"
echo "sing-box is started!"
stop_service() {
service_stop $PROG
echo "sing-box is stopped!"
reload_service() {
sleep 1s
echo "sing-box is restarted!"
- 有个问题,OpenWrt启动后这样直接自动启动sing-box会出问题,猜应该是wan口获得dhcp需要3、4秒,所以即使是开机自启99序的,sing-box的启动完成的时候,wan口还没有up,所以"auto_detect_interface"会推断不出wan口是哪个,完全上不去网。所以,再做个专门延迟启动sing-box的服务。
root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/init.d/delay_sing-box
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
start() {
sleep 9s
/etc/init.d/sing-box start
- 再执行
/etc/init.d/delay_sing-box enable
- 得到chn_ip.txt(将fakeip的地址段插入):
wget https://ftp.apnic.net/stats/apnic/delegated-apnic-latest; grep CN delegated-apnic-latest > delegated-cn-latest
awk -F'|' '/CN\|ipv4/ { printf("%s/%d\n", $4, 32-log($5)/log(2)) }' delegated-cn-latest > chn_ip.txt
sort -n -t . -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -k 4,4 chn_ip.txt > chn_ip_sorted.txt
uniq chn_ip_sorted.txt > chn_ip_uniq.txt
echo "" >> chn_ip_uniq.txt
aggregate -q < chn_ip_uniq.txt > chn_ip_final.txt
rm delegated-apnic-latest delegated-cn-latest chn_ip.txt chn_ip_sorted.txt chn_ip_uniq.txt
mv chn_ip_final.txt chn_ip.txt
- 制作nft include的国内ip地址set,先每行加大括号
sed 's/^/{/;s/$/}/' ~/chn_ip.txt > ~/chn_ip.nft
- 然后制作成为如下格式(随便怎么弄,在windows里也可以):
elements = {,,,, ... ,}
- 查看nftables中已有的表和链:
nft list tables
nft list chains
- 现在路由器的状态还是正常的未分流未启动tun0状态,是普通的路由器nft配置,保存这个配置以供复原用:
nft list ruleset > /sing-box/nft_novpn.conf
- 创建一个新的表和链,先在shell里用以下的命令:
- 在shell中,直接用分号会出问题,所以加上转义\)
nft add table ip filter
nft add chain ip filter china { type filter hook input priority 0\; policy accept\; }
- 然后在shell里执行 nftables 脚本
#!/usr/sbin/nft -f
# Create a table named filter in the ip family
table ip filter {
# Create a set named china that contains the IP addresses from the file chn_ip.nft
set china {
type ipv4_addr
flags interval
include "~/chn_ip.nft"
# Create a chain named prerouting that hooks to the prerouting phase
chain prerouting {
type filter hook prerouting priority -150; policy accept;
# If the destination address is in the china set, mark the packet with 1
ip daddr @china mark set 1
# Create a chain named postrouting that hooks to the postrouting phase
chain postrouting {
type filter hook postrouting priority -150; policy accept;
# If the source address is in the china set, mark the packet with 1
ip saddr @china mark set 1
# Create a table named route in the ip family
table ip route {
# Create a chain named output that hooks to the output phase
chain output {
type route hook output priority -150; policy accept;
# If the packet is marked with 1, route it to the original wan interface (replace eth1 with your actual interface name)
mark 1 oifname "eth1" accept
# Otherwise, route it to the vpn interface (replace tun0 with your actual interface name)
oifname "tun0" accept
- 这个脚本的基本思路是:
- 在 filter 表中创建一个 china 集合,包含了所有分配给**区的 IP 地址。
- 在 filter 表中创建两个链,分别在 prerouting 和 postrouting 阶段,将目标地址或源地址在 china 集合中的数据包标记为 1。
- 在 route 表中创建一个链,在 output 阶段,根据数据包的标记,将其路由到原来的 wan 接口或 vpn 接口。
- 将这个脚本保存为一个文件,比如 vpn_route.nft,然后在shell里执行它,
nft -f vpn_route.nft
- 命令行直接手动启动sing-box,启用了fakeip,要等个几十秒起效,测试是否顺利。
/sing-box/sing-box run -c /sing-box/config.json
- 顺利的话,将当下的nftables规则保存到一个文件中,供以后sing-box服务启动tun0(vpn)接口上联后自动加载:
nft list ruleset > /sing-box/nft_withvpn.conf
- 设置vpn上联、下线的触发脚本
root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/hotplug.d/iface/99-vpnnft
if [ "$INTERFACE" = "vpn" ]; then
if [ "$ACTION" = "ifup" ]; then
# vpn interface is up
nft flush ruleset
nft -f /sing-box/nft_withvpn.conf
elif [ "$ACTION" = "ifdown" ]; then
# vpn interface is down
nft flush ruleset
nft -f /sing-box/nft_novpn.conf
- 这样就完成了分流的设置,目标地址不在china集合中的数据包走VPN链,并被转发到VPN网关,而其他数据包(国内ip)则走默认路由表。并完成了sing-box服务的自动启动配置。
- 都是临时抱佛脚搞通的,囫囵吞枣,不求甚解。非常希望有熟手来帮我指正。请随意发issue。