
Prototype chat application using MQTT with M5Stack

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Our update logs

  • update time: 2020.07.05
  • index: OTA site changed
  • version code: v1.3.3-20200705
  • patch code: patch-02

Last update: v1.3.3-20200620

for latest binaries please go to the releases


Prototype chat application using MQTT with M5Stack (Faces)

includes a server:test.mosquitto.org

using library: pubsubclient,m5ez


version record

v1.3.3-02 -- OTA can work

v1.3.3-01 -- fix a bug in OTA

v1.3.2 -- repair index

v1.3.1 -- test build

v1.3.0 -- change OTA site ISSUE:Cannot work properly

v1.2.0 -- inside build

v1.1.0 -- SSL update//function update ISSUE:Cannot work properly

v1.0.0 -- first version

v0.5.0 -- inside build beta


Downloads: dw

Size: sz

Open/close issues: oi ci

License: lc

Change since latest version/(include alpha builds): 1 2


  • M5StickC support
  • rolling library version update( lver )

Solved TODO:

  • Function update
  • Merge m5ez demo
  • OTA SSL certificate update (cannot use now and misspelled)
  • OTA site