
JSON Schema based command line HTTP client.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


JSON Schema based command line HTTP client.



$ gem install plz


$ plz <action> <target> [headers|params] [options]
         |        |         |      |       |
         |        |         |      |       `-- --no-response-header
         |        |         |      |           --no-response-body
         |        |         |      |           --no-color
         |        |         |      |           --help, -h
         |        |         |      |
         |        |         |      `---------- key=value | key:=value | key=:value
         |        |         |
         |        |         `----------------- Key:value
         |        |
         |        `--------------------------- target name
         `------------------------------------ action name


To use Plz, you need to have a JSON Schema file at ./schema.json or ./schema.yaml, that describes about the API where you want to send HTTP request. Plz interprets command-line arguments based on that JSON Schema, then sends HTTP request. See schema.yml as an example.


To set custom request headers you can use Key:value syntax in command line argument.

$ plz list user Api-Access-Token:123


Params are used for the following purpose:

  • URI Template variables
  • Query string in GET method
  • Request body in other methods

You can set params by key=value, key:=value, or key=:value syntax in command line arguments. key:=value is parsed into a JSON value (e.g. key:=17 will be {"key":17}), while key=:value is parsed into a String value. key=value will try to parse into a JSON value, and fall back to a String value.

$ plz create user name=alice age:=17 birthday=:2000-02-24

As a special case, if the first argument after the target is not a header or param assignment, it will be treated like target=argument, i.e. assign the argument to a parameter named after the target.


You can pass params via STDIN, instead of command line arguments.

$ plz create user < params.json
$ cat params.json | plz create user


Plz takes some command line options.

$ plz --help
Usage: plz <action> <target> [headers|params] [options]
    -h, --help                    Display help message
        --help-all                Display help message with all examples
    -s, --schema                  Schema file or URL
    -H, --host                    API host
        --no-color                Disable coloring output
        --no-response-body        Hide response body
        --no-response-header      Hide response header
  plz list user
  plz create user
  plz update user id=1
  plz delete user id=1


# GET /users
$ plz list user
    "id": 1,
    "name": "alice"
    "id": 2,
    "name": "bob"

# GET /users/2
$ plz show user id=2
  "id": 2,
  "name": "bob"

# POST /users with {"name":"charlie"} params
$ plz create user name=charlie
  "id": 3,
  "name": "charlie"

# POST /users with {"name":"dave",age:20} params
$ plz create user name=dave age:=20
  "id": 4,
  "name": "dave"

# POST /users with Api-Access-Token:123 header and {"name":"ellen"} params
$ plz create user name=ellen Api-Access-Token:123
  "id": 5,
  "name": "ellen"