Example Spring MVC Portlet that can be deployed as a WAB on Liferay 7
In this project you find an example of:
- Maven build using maven-bundle-plugin
- DIDN'T APPROVE: Maven profile for deploying to a local Liferay instance (requires maven properties to be set up as described GitHub )
- Spring WebMVC Portlet version 4.2.6
- An Autowired Service class
- Apache Commons Logger
- A call to the Liferay API (using PortalUtil) to retrieve the current authenticated user
- A model object to pass to the view
- Thymeleaf 3.0.0 as a template engine configured to use message bundles
- Enabled action url generation for request routing from thymeleaf forms
- Liferay 7 GA1 Tomcat bundle, running on Java 8 Linux Kernel 4.6.0 with HSQL