Jokebot MP Description: A jokebot written for Mongo DB and PHP Version: 1.0 History: I like jokes, and I use a lot of command line tools. I put a few jokes in my scripts, but wouldn't it be nice to pass a -j flag and get a random joke? I looked around on the internet and didn't find a "joke api", so I decided to make one. It only took me a couple of hours, with the longest part being formating the jokes for the initial import. Jokebot can output a random joke in xml, html, plain text, and json format. For a plain text shell example: curl The format parameter can take xml,html,text, or json. Everything else is ignored. Requirements: mongo db You need mongo running locally, on default port of 27017. php 5.3 php pecl mongo driver Setting up mongo is beyond the scope of this document. Installation: * Copy all files into a folder under your webroot, ie: * Change to that directory * Run php ./jokebot-init.php . It dumps some output so you could visit this in a web browser, too, but output is not formatted for html. * Visit http://yoursite/jokebot/ or run php ./index.php and enjoy a joke. * Set up your scripts to output a joke Setup example: # change to your git export/tarball extract cd Jokebot-MP mkdir -p /var/www/html/jokebot mv ./* /var/www/html/jokebot/ cd /var/www/html/jokebot php ./jokebot-init.php # init output php ./index.php Shell script example, using curl. save as, chmod 755, and run it. cat ><<-EOF #!/bin/bash # random joke teller while getopts "j:" OPTION do case ${OPTION} in j) curl exit 0 ;; esac done EOF chmod 755 ./ -j Enjoy.