Example configuration for rsyslog in OpenShift 4.
- Create a namespace and a service account for rsyslogd.
$ oc create namespace openshift-logging
$ oc create sa logcollector -n openshift-logging
- Create the Roles and RoleBindings for the rsyslogd container
Allow the service account to use the privileged SCC so that ryslogd can read from the journald socket on the host.
$ oc create role log-collector-privileged \
--verb use \
--resource securitycontextconstraints \
--resource-name privileged \
-n openshift-logging
$ oc create rolebinding log-collector-privileged-binding \
--role=log-collector-privileged \
--serviceaccount=openshift-logging:logcollector \
-n openshift-logging
- Deploy the rsyslogd container as a daemonset
First, edit openshift/configmap-rsyslogd-config.yaml if you'd like to change the configuration of rsyslogd.
Then, change the environment variable LOGSERVER
in openshift/daemonset-rsyslogd.yaml to point to your particular log server.
Finally, deploy the config file and daemonset:
$ oc create -f openshift/configmap-rsyslogd-config.yaml -n openshift-logging
$ oc create -f openshift/daemonset-rsyslogd.yaml -n openshift-logging