`/proc/fbX` not created
gnh1201 opened this issue · 3 comments
gnh1201 commented
I can't forward image because of not created /proc/fbX
# ./vcam-util -l
Available virtual V4L2 compatible devices:
1. vcamfb0(640,480,rgb24) -> /dev/video0
2. vcamfb1(640,480,rgb24) -> /dev/video1
3. vcamfb2(640,480,rgb24) -> /dev/video2
# ls -al /proc/fb*
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jul 4 06:01 /proc/fb
WayneLin1992 commented
will create vcamfbx in /proc/
jserv commented
will create vcamfbx in /proc/
@WayneLin1992, can you provide the documentation fix?