- 3
Migration to organization
#43 opened by Neustradamus - 2
[Feature Request] ARM64 build
#41 opened by NiQ1 - 5
Support for mixed mode CD images (data + audio)
#26 opened by lxkurko - 2
- 7
- 1
Support for CHD format
#34 opened by whocares0101 - 11
A new update soon?
#49 opened by 03302024 - 3
- 0
Reserve drive letter
#48 opened by 03302024 - 1
- 1
Antivirus detection
#47 opened by Xaival - 0
[Feature request] Mounting a read-only folder and boot sector file as a virtual CD media
#46 opened by ohault - 6
Remount image issue
#27 opened by kliffgomel - 4
Issues with Redump split mixed CDs
#9 opened by Warriors-Blade - 0
- 0
[Feature Request] AMD64 build too
#42 opened by VortiFred - 2
- 0
- 0
- 0
Cannot get util output for redirection
#20 opened by eumikhailov - 2
Outdated build instructions
#38 opened by dpetroff - 0
C:\Program Files (x86)\WinCDEmu\mkisofs.exe: Implementation botch: FS should end at 4294727908 but ends at 184422.
#37 opened by SoftwareRat - 6
[ISO creation] Filenames all in caps
#19 opened by jmfergeau - 0
Updating Corsican translation file
#36 opened by Patriccollu - 1
Website broken, 301's to, and back endlessly
#35 opened by WinkelCode - 0
Thanks for the program!
#33 opened by mrkaban - 0
Installation failed error
#21 opened by maturabg - 1
- 1
- 0
- 2
[Feature Request] Add ability to mount wim files.
#22 opened by DenisFR - 0
bin/cue mount but files are corrupted
#25 opened by gingerbeardman - 1
Portable WinCDEmu is still version 4.0 not 4.1
#23 opened by mogarithm - 6
Issues/Bug on the portable version
#6 opened by ThunderWCD - 0
Sign with GPG (it is free)
#18 opened by Sanyy - 4
- 2
- 18
Can not compile
#1 opened by ChuckNorrison - 1
Sillent installer
#15 opened by majkinetor - 0
DVD drive disappears if WinCDEmu installed
#14 opened by headheat - 1
Add support for physical disk emulation?
#13 opened by mirh - 0
Crash on mounting unsupported format .mdx
#12 opened by DoumanAsh - 2
- 1
"Jump Lists" in Start Menu of Windows 10 stop working after install WinCDEmu 4.0.
#7 opened by MELERIX - 1
- 1