Clojure functions to generate playable selections (a.k.a. prognoses) for the lottery game Extra. the extra grid is columns-first. 0 5 10 15 20 1 6 11 16 21 2 7 12 17 22 3 8 13 18 23 4 9 14 19 24 rules: there can be only 6 "F"s total in the whole grid. there must be 3 Fs in the inner 3x3 grid, the other 3 Fs must be on the remaining 16 cells -- the frame. any column (top - bottom), row (left - right) or diagonal can only contain up to 2 Fs. Start by running (-main) in the Leiningen REPL: $ lein repl nREPL server started on port 53690 REPL-y 0.1.10 Clojure 1.5.1 (Leiningen messages elided) extra-prognoses=> (-main) "F;F;6;9;5;F;16;F;26;18;34;F;42;F;37;58;59;49;52;54;68;66;64;62;63" [ F ][ F ][ 34 ][ 58 ][ 68 ] [ F ][ 16 ][ F ][ 59 ][ 66 ] [ 6 ][ F ][ 42 ][ 49 ][ 64 ] [ 9 ][ 26 ][ F ][ 52 ][ 62 ] [ 5 ][ 18 ][ 37 ][ 54 ][ 63 ] "F;F;14;4;9;F;24;F;17;19;42;43;F;32;39;48;F;46;49;60;62;68;74;72;70" [ F ][ F ][ 42 ][ 48 ][ 62 ] [ F ][ 24 ][ 43 ][ F ][ 68 ] [ 14 ][ F ][ F ][ 46 ][ 74 ] [ 4 ][ 17 ][ 32 ][ 49 ][ 72 ] [ 9 ][ 19 ][ 39 ][ 60 ][ 70 ] and so on.