
Threaded hasher to mess with BlooCoins. (DEPRECATED until I'm not lazy)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a multi-threaded sha512 hashing script to work away at creating hashes viable for BlooCoin, which is just this little semi-crypto-currency some guy I know made.

This project is MIT licensed, so you can do whatever you want with it, really.

It's pretty simple, just creates a random starting point which is a five long string made up of alphanumeric (uppercase, lowercase, digits) and then just adds a number onto the end until a hash starts with enough zeros for the difficulty of the current server.

The usage is as such:

usage: blc_hash.py [-h] [-t THREADS] [-q QUEUE] [-u UPPER_BOUND]
                   [-d DIFFICULTY] [-a ADDRESS] [--server SERVER] [--debug]

Mine your way to riches and glory with BlooCoins. (Maybe)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        The amount of worker threads
  -q QUEUE, --queue QUEUE
                        The queue size to work through
  -u UPPER_BOUND, --upper-bound UPPER_BOUND
                        The upper bound at which we abandon the job (default:
  -d DIFFICULTY, --difficulty DIFFICULTY
                        The difficulty as reported by the server
  -a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
                        An address to send valid hashes to at a BLC server
  --server SERVER       The BLC server we're sending to. ADDRESS[:PORT]
                        (default: bloocoin.zapto.org)
  --debug               Spam the terminal with debugging text.

If it gets a hit, it'll create a file which ends in .blc so you can filter them and stuff.
If you've given an address via the -a flag, it'll try and send working hashes to the given server.