
Python based URL shortening service.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

chr url shortener


As of the v3 refactor how you interact with chr (as a sysadmin) has changed significantly. You still install it via PyPI (TODO, updated version not up yet), but you'll have to run it with something like gunicorn rather than via a command line script explicity for chr.

For now:

  • Clone the repo
  • python setup.py install
  • Check example.py (and the docs!) for more info on how to run it.
  • Use a command like: gunicorn -b -p /tmp/chr.pid example:app

JSON in v3 and beyond

If you want to get the statistics of a given URL in JSON format, you can simply smack .json on the end of the stats url (http://example.org/x/stats.json) and get back some lovely JSON.

If the URL doesn't exist you'll get back something with error: true, and a message field - check it and you're good.


  • [ ] add an API endpoint to shorten/expand URLs (check out wtforms-json or something)
    • [ ] rather than half-baked @app.route calls, make an API blueprint
    • [ ] add API keys so even if reCAPTCHA is enabled you can use it
  • [x] update the docs to the new chrso tree
  • [ ] update the screenshots in the repo
  • [ ] update chrw (oooold) so that it works with chrso tree
  • [x] remove some base62 crud
  • [x] write a decent install/running guide (new docs)
  • [ ] write a migration script for chru -> chrso trees
    • [ ] move chr.so over to the latest chrso tree and link back there
    • [ ] put this code tree on PyPI and explain changes in big bold font
  • [ ] provide example nginx (+ Apache/lighttpd?) configs
  • [ ] make url.stats() cache the results at redis for a few (5?) minutes
    • alternatively, we could implement If-Modified-Since, but that'd be tougher.

chr (found in the package chrso) is a Python based URL shortening service which uses Flask as a front end, and redis as the backend.

It can shrink billions of unique URLs with less than 6 characters, run in the background with no human interaction, and it can fly like a bird -- or is that Super Man?


  • Can shorten several billion (yes!) unique urls to a less than 6 character slug.
  • Can use reCAPTCHA to stop spammers from using the service for evil. (but it's optional!)
  • A live chr instance is located at uguu.us. (NB: chr.so is the old source tree)


These are varying at the moment! Check requirements.txt to see a list.

To install all of these: pip -r requirements.txt install


  • It's highly recommended by the chr developers that if you're putting this in a production environment (read: any computer with a public IP) that you look at the various Flask deployment options, such as putting it behind nginx, lighttpd, or something.
  • It's also recommended that you get your server (nginx, lighttpd, or hell, even Apache) serve out the static folder, rather than letting Flask do it.
  • This will take a while to get fully featured, but we have a lot planned.
  • jqPlot comes bundled with chr, which is alright as it's MIT licensed.
  • tipsy is also bundled, again, MIT licensed.


To use reCAPTCHA, you have to set two fields in the Flask app's config before you run it:

  • RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY - what it says on the tin
  • RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY - also what it says on the tin

Check example.py to see how.

