
A Python etch-a-sketch, just because.. it had to be done?

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The back story

This happened late on a school night. It was a dark and dreary day, and I wasn't entirely sure what the hell I wanted to program.
"F IT! CURSES TIEMMMMM!" I proclaimed to nobody at all - my one true friend.
So I rode valiantly into my text editor of choice, as well as the Python documentation for the curses module. Armed with nothing more than the PEP8 specs, Python documentation and some mountain dew, I went at it.

And so it was born: etchasketch.py - not quite good, not quite bad; sitting somewhere in between was my new child. I had spent a good 20 minutes on this project, and it had turned out OK-ish.
"Dear lord, what have I created?!" I muttered again - clearly talking to my good friend nobody.
"It's.. It's... IT'S GENIUS!" the cry came from my voice. This was pure genius. Nothing in the history of the Internet could ever be this amazing, this glorious; this sketchy.


I feel like the source is a bit messy, but it's sort of managed how you'd expect it to be managed:
A while loop with some stacked if and elif checks. That's the best I can think to do.

Sample drawing

This took way too damn long to do well. I really should have just cheated..

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It's fairly simple, but there are some less intuitive things about it all:

  • To run: python etchasketch.py
  • Use your arrow keys to draw!
  • s will shake the board (resetting and making it refill your terminal (if you resize it at all))
  • q will quit your board. Why you'd ever want to do that is beyond me.
  • Your cursor is the + - it starts at the top left (position 0, 0).
    • If you shake the board, your cursor will stay at the same spot.


This is MIT licensed, so you can do whatever the hell you want. Sell it, buy it, rewrite it, use it as a bartering token with the Devil for your soul; it's up to you!