
ThelioV3 Prototype Revisions:

Closed this issue · 3 comments

  • back panel: side holes should be PEMs

  • back panel: corners should be PEM

  • back panel: increase standoff clearance in middle of panel.

  • back panel: move drive cage lower

  • back panel: screws hit extrusion.

  • base: add PEMs to back side

  • make PCI bracket

  • case brace: reduce o'all length by 2x rivnut flanges

  • side PEM standoffs: check antenna standoff hole size

  • side: check head clearance for feet

  • GPU Brace: check bracket range

  • GPU Brace: should be M4 clearance, dont need extensions

IO needs to move to mainboard side 1.6mm.
Teeth on PCI should move up 1mm. PCI holes in back panel should move toward veneer 1mm.

next revisions:

  • make access for gpu bracket from the side (cut clearance in the base flange)
  • make 3070 gpu fit by making another version of gpu brace?
  • move sheet metal pci bracket toward mobo by 1mm
  • add 4 screws to case brace
  • move case brace down 2.85mm to bring drive cage fastener heads flush with top
  • remove gpu clearance holes from chassis side.

changing pci bracket flange instead of moving mounting holes. Moving to prototype 3