
Coding approach assessments for Amazon Automata

Primary LanguagePython

Amazon training exercises

longest_palindromic_substring.py: An $O(n^{2})$ time and $O(1)$ space program to find the longest palindromic substring.

generalized_greatest_common_divisor.py: Algorithm to determine the GCD of N positive integers. The greatest common divisor (GCD), also called highest common factor (HCF) of N numbers is the largest positive integer that divides all numbers without giving a remainder.

positive_subsequence_sum.py: Given a list of numbers, compute the sum of the maximum positive sequence, this is, the sum of the sequence of consecutive non-negative numbers whose addition reaches a maximum value. Also, given a list of numbers, compute the sum of the longest positive sequence, this is, the sum of the longest sequence (in terms of number of elements) of consecutive non-negative numbers.

reverse_nodes_in_k_group.py.py: Given a linked list, reverse its nodes, k at a time, and return the modified list. k is a positive integer that is less than or equal to the length of the list provided. If the number of nodes is not a multiple of k, then left-out nodes, in the end, should remain as they are. Values in the list's nodes must not be altered, only nodes references can be changed.

eight_houses.py: Eight houses, represented as cells, are arranged in a straight line. Each day every cell competes with its adjacent cells (neighbors). An integer value of 1 represents an active cell and a value of 0 represents an inactive cell. If the neighbors on both sides of a cell are either active or inactive, the cell becomes inactive on the next day; otherwise the cell becomes active. The two cells on each end have a single adjacent cell, so assume that the unoccupied space on the opposite side is an inactive cell. Even after updating the cell state, consider its previous state when updating the state of other cells. The state information of all cells should be updated simultaneously.

alexa_vegetarian_restaurants.py: Amazon's Alexa team is working on optimizing the customer experience for scenarios where customers ask generic questions. One example of a generic question is "What are good vegetarian restaurants nearby?". In this scenario, Alexa would then search for a list of vegetarian restaurants in the city and select the nearest X vegetarian restaurants relative to the customer's location. Given an array representing the locations of N vegetarian restaurants in the city, this algorithm finds the nearest X vegetarian restaurants to the customer's location.

building_lot.py: You are in charge of preparing a recently purchased lot for one of Amazon's new buildings. The lot is covered with trenches and has a single obstacle that needs to be taken down before the foundation can be prepared for the building. The demolition robot must remove the obstacle before process can be made on the building. The algorithm implemented determines the minimum distance required for the demolition robot to remove the obstacle.