
Matching company entities with company profiles

Primary LanguageJava


Matching company entities with company profiles

This assignment consists in analyzing samples from two tables that provide different types of information about companies:

  • company_entities.tsv: lists the legal company entities
  • company_profiles.tsv: lists the company profiles

Both tables have the following structure:

Column Description
id ID of the company entity or company profile. Careful: the entity IDs are different from the profile IDs, e.g. ID 4 in company_entities may refer to LinkedIn while ID 4 in company_profiles may refer to Siemens
company_name name of the company
website_url URL that may link to the company website
foundation_year year when the company was founded
city name of the city where the company is located
country code of the country where the company is located

It is assumed that there is a 1:n relationship between company profiles and company entities, i.e. one company profile may refer to zero or more company entities.

  1. Design an algorithm that allows for matching company entities and company profiles.
  2. Use the groud_truth.tsv file to validate the algorithm.
  3. Provide a small, basic REST API to wrap the matching algorithm. It should return the matched companies given company profile data.