
Android application intended to integrate some of the interesting features the Android SDK provides. On one hand, it makes use of the sensor fusion API, the Google Maps API, and the geolocation, places and altitude services (along with the JSON processing facilities). On the other hand, it makes use of the data received and the information resulting from its processing in order to overlap various surfaces onto the user screen, taking a continuous preview of the device's back camera and real-time rendering 3D graphics powered by OpenGL on top of it.
Functionally, the application has just one activity, whose layout is divided into two areas. The lower one displays a map (initially depicting the user's current location) and a text input which offers autocomplete hints of geographical places and addresses. Once a place is submitted, the geodesical route between the user's location and such a place (identified by a marker) is depicted in the map. The upper area in the screen displays a preview of the device's back camera and a 3D arrow-shaped polygon which initially points the North. Once a place is submitted in the lower area text input, the arrow form (based on the current orientation of the user, her current location and the destination place selected) points to the direction which leads to the destination points, dynamically rotating and orientating itself according to the user's orientation, and changing its color depending on the distance to the destination point. Also, informative output related to the origin and destination points, along with the route between them, is displayed above the camera preview. All this enables the user to reach the destination point from her current location just looking through the device's screen and following a straight line along the way the arrow indicates. Just one more thing left... watch out the walls!!!