
Ships new systemd journal entries to a remote destination in Graylog Extended Log Format (GELF)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Export structured log records from the systemd journal and send them to a Graylog2 server as GELF messages.

Tested on Python 2.7 and Fedora 17 (systemd-44-17) and Fedora 19 (systemd-204).

journalctl output format change

Starting with systemd-190 journalctl switched to an easier to parse single-line JSON format. This is now the default expected format as of journal2gelf v0.0.3.

For versions of systemd < 190, you must add the -m switch.

Run journalctl --version to get the systemd version.


  • graypy


On Fedora 17+ (or other systems with a version of systemd that includes journal support):

sudo yum install git python-pip
pip-python install git+http://github.com/systemd/journal2gelf.git#egg=journal2gelf

Running as a service

Copy and edit the included examples/journal2gelf.service to /etc/systemd/system.


By default, journal2gelf will look for input on stdin. eg:

  • Send all logs and exit:

    journalctl -o json | journal2gelf

The -t flag can be specified and journal2gelf will automatically start journalctl in tail mode. This makes it easier to run as a systemd service.

journal2gelf -t

This is equivalent to running:

journalctl -o json -f | journal2gelf

Graylog2 server and port can be specified with -s and -p flags.


Copyright 2012 Joe Miller https://github.com/joemiller

Released under the MIT license, see LICENSE for details.