
A client using the macaddress.io API to look up MAC address metadata

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A client using the macaddress.io API to look up MAC address metadata.


For command line use

To use this script directly from the command line the requests library needs to be installed:

pip install requests

Building a docker image

A docker file is provided to build a runable image (in which case a separate install of requests is not required):

docker build -t mac-addr-info .

An API key is required

You must have an existing account with macaddress.io in order to use this utility. The apiKey corresponding to your account must be provided by setting the MACADDRESS_API_KEY environment variable, or via the key command line parameter.

Running the utility

Example command line usage

The MAC address may be provided as the first argument or piped to stdin. Here are a couple examples:

./mac-addr-info.py 44:38:39:ff:ef:57

./mac-addr-info.py 443839ffef57 --key YOUR_API_KEY

echo '44-38-39-ff-ef-57' | ./mac-addr-info.py --output json

Example Docker usage

The Docker container is configured to allow passing command line parameters directly.

Here is an example passing the apiKey into the container via environment variable:

docker run -e "MACADDRESS_API_KEY=your_api_key" mac-addr-info 44:38:39:ff:ef:57

Multiple MAC arguments

If more than one MAC address is supplied, the application will make a request for each MAC and print out the result on a separate line. Multiple addresses provided via standard input must be newline separated. Invalid MAC addresses will be skipped without interrupting the process. Examples:

printf "44.38.39.ff.ef.57\n5c:f9:38:92:6d:30\n" | ./mac-addr-info.py

./mac-addr-info.py 443839ffef57 5c:f9:38:92:6d:30

Controlling output

The --output parameter can be used to control the format of the query results.

The options available are: vendor, json, xml, csv.

The default vendor option provides only the company name as a result.


Here are the detailed usage options:

usage: mac-addr-info.py [-h] [--key KEY] [--output {vendor,json,xml,csv}]
                        [--api API]
                        [mac [mac ...]]

positional arguments:
  mac                   mac address(es) to query

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --key KEY             your macaddress.io api key (defaults to
                        MACADDRESS_API_KEY environment variable)
  --output {vendor,json,xml,csv}
                        output format to request (default: vendor)
  --api API             api path (default: https://api.macaddress.io/v1)

note: accepts newline delimited mac addresses from stdin as well


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


I borrowed the MAC address regex from here. Much faster and more vetted than coming up with it myself.