
Automatic ZFS Snapshot Script for Proxmox VE 5, 6, 7 and 8

Primary LanguagePython

Proxmox Autosnap

A simple script written on python to control zfs proxmox snapshots via pct or qm.


git clone https://github.com/apprell/proxmox-autosnap.git
ln -s /root/proxmox-autosnap/proxmox-autosnap.py /usr/local/sbin/proxmox-autosnap.py
ln -s /root/proxmox-autosnap/autosnap /etc/cron.d/autosnap
chmod +x /root/proxmox-autosnap/proxmox-autosnap.py


Arguments Required Type Default Description
vmid yes list empty Space separated list of CT/VM ID or all for all CT/VM in node.
snap yes bool false Create a snapshot but do not delete anything.
autosnap no bool false Create a snapshot and delete the old one.
keep no int 30 The number of snapshots which should will keep.
label no str daily One of hourly, daily, weekly, monthly.
clean no bool false Delete all or selected autosnapshots.
exclude no list empty Space separated list of CT/VM ID to exclude from processing.
mute no bool false Output only errors.
running no bool false Run only on running vm, skip on stopped.
includevmstate no bool false Include the VM state in snapshots.
dryrun no bool false Do not create or delete snapshots, just print the commands.
date-iso-format no bool false Store snapshots in ISO 8601 format.
sudo no bool false Launch commands through sudo.

proxmox-autosnap.py --help


# Create a daily snapshot for all VM
proxmox-autosnap.py --snap --vmid all

# Create snapshot only on running vm
proxmox-autosnap.py --snap --vmid all --running

# Create a daily snapshot for selected VM
proxmox-autosnap.py --snap --vmid 100 101 102

# Create a daily snapshot for all VM with the exception of 100 101 102
proxmox-autosnap.py --snap --vmid all --exclude 100 101 102

# Delete all daily autosnapshots for selected VM
proxmox-autosnap.py --clean --vmid 100 101 102 --keep 0

# Create a hourly snapshot for all VM
proxmox-autosnap.py --snap --vmid all --label hourly

# Delete all hourly autosnapshots for all VM
proxmox-autosnap.py --clean --vmid all --label hourly --keep 0

# Create snapshots in ISO 8601 format
# Example autodaily_2023_03_22T01_26_23
# It is not necessary to specify the --date-iso-format argument to delete snapshots 
proxmox-autosnap.py --snap --vmid 100 --date-iso-format


In order to run with sudo argument, you must first create a user and specify minimum accesses for him, for example:

cat /etc/sudoers.d/proxmox-backup

proxmox-backup ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/cat /etc/pve/.vmlist, /usr/sbin/pct snapshot *, /usr/sbin/pct listsnapshot *, /usr/sbin/pct delsnapshot *, /usr/sbin/qm snapshot *, /usr/sbin/qm listsnapshot *, /usr/sbin/qm delsnapshot *

After that you can run the script with the argument

proxmox-autosnap.py --snap --vmid 100 --date-iso-format --sudo



# Task for snapshot every hour from 1 through 23.
5 1-23 * * * root /usr/local/sbin/proxmox-autosnap.py --autosnap --vmid all --label hourly --keep 23 --mute

# Task for snapshot every day-of-month from 2 through 31.
5 0 2-31 * * root /usr/local/sbin/proxmox-autosnap.py --autosnap --vmid all --label daily --keep 30 --mute

# Task for snapshot at 00:05 on day-of-month 1.
5 0 1 * * root /usr/local/sbin/proxmox-autosnap.py --autosnap --vmid all --label monthly --keep 3 --mute