This is the FAO Fishery and Aquaculture Reference Data repository.

file naming:

  • CL_* "code-lists": contains the identifier and mapping to other codes and descriptions;

  • HCL_* "hierarchical code-lists": contains the grouping information, a pointer (foreign key) from the reference object (parent) to the children

  • FSJ_* FishStat defintions defining our datasets and the new query panel

  • DSD_* "Data Structure Definition": describes how information in a specific dataset is structured. It defines the dimensions, measures and their related attributes.

All reference data is exported from our corporate MDM system. From now on we publish data using the FishStatJ format, the old FIGIS system will be retired soon. The structure is documented in the DSD files, (FSJ*) metadata is used to build FishStatJ workspaces.

file encoding:

Character enconding system in CSV files All information contents in the files in CSV (comma-separated values) format are made available in UTF-8. To open these files in Excel, go to the menu Data->From Text and select File origin "65001: Unicode UTF-8" and comma delimiter

Note: When using time-series data, in order to obtain the aggregates presented in the Summary Tables of the "FAO Yearbook of Fishery Statistics - Aquaculture Production" which exclude production figures for aquatic plants, pearls and mother-of-pearl, data should be filtered using a Custom Group: "Fish, crustaceans and molluscs, etc."(1801).


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(c) FAO 2021