
Erlang UCP/EMI gateway

Primary LanguageErlang

Erlang UCP Gateway

Project status

Actually it's more of a SMSC client than a real gateway at the moment.

Tested with SMSC LogicaCMG's EMI/UCP interface 4.6

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  1. Install:

    rebar get-deps compile or add a rebar dependency to your application

  2. Edit sample configuration located in conf.sample directory

  3. Move the configuration folder to the right spot:

    $ mv conf.sample conf


    $ mv conf.sample yourapp/conf
  4. Typical API usage:

    a) Send messages:

    Pid = ucp_conn_pool:get_active_connection(),
    Message = "Hello world", %% binary messages are also supported
    Opts = [
      {split, true},
      {notification_request, true}
    ucp_conn:send_message(Pid, Msisdn, Message, Opts).

    The interface is asynchronous. Currently, messages are send using "one-shot" mode, requiring SMSC to ack. This will be made optional.

    b) Receive messages:

    %% (...)
    attach() ->
    handle_event({sms, Msg = {Recipient, Sender, Data}}, State) ->
        io:format("Received: ~p~n", [Msg]),
        {ok, State};
    %% (...)


BSD License -- http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php


  • Documentation
  • Detailed examples
  • Message routing
  • Allow message buffering in SMSC
  • ...