
Code for paper "SketchyCOCO: Image Generation from Freehand Scene Sketches" (CVPR 2020)

Primary LanguagePython


SketchyCOCO: Image Generation from Freehand Scene Sketches
Chengying Gao, Qi Liu, Qi Xu, Limin Wang, Jianzhuang Liu, Changqing Zou


Clone this repo.

cd EdgeGAN

This repo requires TensorFlow 1.14.0 and python 3+.
conda create/activate is suggested to manage multiple versions of tensorflow.
After switching to proper conda environment, run conda install --file requirements.txt


Our dataset can be found in SketchyCOCO. Follow the guide and prepare the dataset.

Directory Structure

For singleclass dataset

    |   |    <file00>.png
    |   |    <file01>.png
    |   |    ...
        |    <file00>.png
        |    <file01>.png
        |    ...

For multiclass dataset

    |   └───<0>
    |   |    |    <file01>.png
    |   |    |    ...
    |   └───<1>
    |   |   ...
    |   └───<0>
    |   |    |    <file01>.png
    |   |    |    ...
    |   └───<1>
    |   |   ...

For our pretrained model, the class label 0 to 13 correspond to "airplane, cat, giraffe, zebra, dog, elephant, fire hydrant, horse, bicycle, car, traffic light, cow, motorcycle, sheep". Please prepare the input as similar as the examples of training images and test images in images/dataset_example.



60975.png 60981.png 60987.png 60991.png 60994.png


14809.png 14810.png 14811.png 14812.png


  1. Download the pretrained model from Google Drive trained with 14 classes, and run:
mkdir -p outputs/edgegan
cd outputs/edgegan
cp <checkpoints download path> .
unzip checkpoints.zip
cd ../..
  1. Generate images with models:
python -m edgegan.test --name=edgegan --dataroot=<root of dataset> --dataset=<dataset> --gpu=<gpuid> #(model trained with multi-classes)
python -m edgegan.test --name=[model_name] --dataroot=<root of dataset> --dataset=<dataset> --nomulticlasses --gpu=<gpuid> #(model trained with single class)
  1. the outputs will be located at outputs/edgegan/test_output/ by default


It will cost about fifteen hours to run on a single Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti card.

python -m edgegan.train --name=<new_name> --dataroot=<root of dataset> --dataset=<datsaet_name> --gpu=<gpuid> #(with multi-classes)
python -m edgegan.train --name=<new_name> --dataroot=<root of dataset> --dataset=<datsaet_name> --nomulticlasses --gpu=<gpuid> #(with single class)


If you use this code for your research, please cite our papers.

  title={SketchyCOCO: Image Generation From Freehand Scene Sketches},
  author={Gao, Chengying and Liu, Qi and Xu, Qi and Wang, Limin and Liu, Jianzhuang and Zou, Changqing},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},