
Creating a system that will do an NLP system for NHL

Primary LanguagePython


Letting you figure out how much hate your favorite celeb gets on TMZ.

Getting Started:

You will need to install the following:

Sign up for an API key on the Alchemy Website: http://www.alchemyapi.com/api/register.html -> You will receive an email with your own API key. Replace the API key in api_key.txt with your key. Download Eclipse: https://eclipse.org/ Download Pydev from the Help -> Eclipse Marketplace -> Search for "Python", then click on pydev, select all, then click confirm When I (Nick) installed PyDev I did: Help -> Install New software -> Search for "Pydev"

Manual config Create new pydev project, click on link to configure interpreter C:\Python27\python.exe

If pip is not working (and you have 2.7.9 installed)

  • Add ;C:\Python27;C:\Python27\Scripts to Path environment variable

Make sure that the libraries you install via pip are pointed to in your interpreter

Make sure all is checked when asked to select folders to add to the python system path

Running the final project

  1. Install package pre-requisistes
    • Flask (from the command line, run "pip install Flask")
    • SQl-Alchemy (pip install flask-sqlalchemy) (AlchemyAPI package and API key is include with the sample code)
    • Requests (pip install requests)
  2. Run create_db.py to create the database
  3. In command prompt, cd to the directory containing flk.py and enter python flk.py to start the web server
  4. Go to to perform NER / SA and to view the results
  5. Go to to calculate how often two entities occur together
  6. Go to to view the results

Explain NLP & NER here

What is NLP -> Watch this video: https://class.coursera.org/nlp/lecture/ What is IE / NER -> Watch this video: https://class.coursera.org/nlp/lecture/61 What is Alchemy API? -> A library that performs a bunch of NLP tasks for you

flask tutorial

Flask is a web framework that makes it every easy to set up a web app using python Flask has three main components

  1. Models -> how the data will be stored in the database
  2. Routing -> the python function that will exected when a URL is accessed
  3. Templates -> how information is displayed on the web page

###1 Model definition #### We will be using a database to store certain data and retrieve it later In flask, each database table corresponds to a model class In this project, we will have two database models: Entities and Occurences The Entities model stores the named entities extract from the articles using alchemy API The occurences model stores the co-occurrence matrix between the entities The co-occurrence matrix simply holds how often each possible pair of entities occurs together in the same article Once we have defined our models in the main flk.py, we need to create another file that will actually create the database from the model definition

###2 Routing #### Flask maps each url path to a python function @app.route('/url_path') def some_function(): {}

This means that when someone accesses the page http://YourWebsite/url_path, that the function some_function() is called In our case, we will use these functions to perform various NLP calculations and API calls

###3 Templates ### TO DO -> Explain templates

#Other resources http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/quickstart/