
1fichier api for php

Primary LanguagePHP


1fichier api for php

wiki ... will update ... If I have time. https://github.com/s3ij1nn/1fichier/wiki

get from https://1fichier.com/console/params.pl and generate API KEY

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$o = new \onefichier\fichier(__API__KEY__);

// Root folder files's list

// Root folder folder's list

// Get direct download link (Premium, Access, CDN)

Remote API

this example how to use remote api with Cookie enable download.

["Cookie: AF=1919; show_cm=no; SID=llA5lA..........."]

checksum check

single file


php hash whirlpool is not same hash. use openssl.

// bad coding
$hash !== hash('whirlpool', 'anyfile');
// use this
preg_match('|\s(.*)$|', exec('openssl dgst -whirlpool anyfile'), $p);
$hash === $p[1];

multi file

$ openssl dgst -whirlpool * > all.checksum
$o->checksum_parser("all.checksum") fullpath or __DIR__ / all.checksum
  "hash" => "filename",
  "hash" => "filename",

$o->checksum_check("/tmp/all.checksum", 114514, true);
OK  filename.txt
OK  .........txt
NOT upload_after_create_file.txt

$o->checksum_check("/tmp/all.checksum", 114514);
  "hash" => "filename",

// successful upload list.
$o->checksum_diff("/tmp/all.checksum", 114514);
  "hash" => "filename",

Run on CLI

$ curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php

$ php composer.phar require psy/psysh
$ php composer.phar install

$ vendor/bin/psysh vendor/autoload.php

Psy Shell v?.?.? (PHP ?.?.? — cli) by Justin Hileman
>>> $o = new \onefichier\fichier("API_KEY");
=> onefichier\fichier {#2313
     +error: null,

>>> $o->file_ls(0)

>>> $o->file_mv("https://1fichier.com/?0x0000000000000", 114514);

>>> ls $o
Class Properties: $error
Class Methods: av_scan, checksum_check, checksum_parser, download, file_cp, file_info, file_ls, file_mv, file_rm, folder_ls, folder_mv, folder_rm, folder_share, folder_share_gen, mkdir, request, __construct

// doc
>>> doc $o->checksum_check
public function checksum_check($filename, $folder_id, $verbose = false)

  checksum file path and how to make checksum view checksum_parse doc
  find checksum from folder
  if find all checksum to return true
  $verbose true to show OK or NOT
  When not find checksum return not fond file and checksum
  return array format is same as checksum_parser

  bool        $verbose 



$ curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php

$ php composer.phar require psy/psysh
$ php composer.phar install

$ vendor/bin/psysh vendor/autoload.php

Psy Shell v?.?.? (PHP ?.?.? — cli) by Justin Hileman
>>> $o = new \onefichier\myscript("API_KEY");
>>> $o->parent->folder_ls(0)
>>> $folder_id = 114514;

// same file name, same checksum will delete
// ** like rclone dedupe ** 
>>> $o->duplicate_delete($folder_id)
duplicate found filename************
https://1fichier.com/?******************** .... deleting 

// Compare local and remote hashes, and if they are different, delete the remote file
>>> $o->upload_fail_delete('/tmp/checksum.checksum', 114514)
local :19047f88...a2db041fa8066fae8c385f21b4ff4bc3
remote:ksdflakj...4184d5cd5a4da5120d1869edb00e71eb.... delete

// Compare local and remote hashes, and if they are not different, delete the local file
// if not found on local file. skip.
>>> $o->upload_success_delete

// Compare local and remote hashes, and if they are not different, But different on filename, rename from local filename.
>>> $o->upload_success_rename