
A python REST interface for the plugwise stick

Primary LanguagePython

#RESTwise ##A REST web interface for plugwise meters.

This project is work in progress.

Command reference

Some things I noticed

Command response code nearly always seems to be the command code +1. Every so often a stray \x83 character is injected into the receive stream. No idea what this means (heartbeat?)

Invalid command codes are acknowledged OK, but return an response message like the following:

Send    \x05\x05\x03\x03AA77E803\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x030000000900C1FCC0\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x030000000900E15666\r\n

The 00E1 probably means command not recognized.

Ack message

Acknowledge messages are always received after sending a command, right before the actual command response.


Send    \x05\x05\x03\x030008014068\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x030000017E00C11A4D\r\n

Response data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint16 Response 'command' code', always 0000 0000
Uint16 Sequence number. This number will be used in the actual command response and increments after each command. 017E
Uint16 Status code 00C1
Status code Description
00C1 Command received successfully.
This does NOT mean the command itself was successful, for this the actual command response must be used.
00C2 CRC error, the command checksum is not ok
00E1 Communication failure, endpoint was probably not found.
This status code always follows as a second ack to the command!

Command 0x0007

Description: Associate endpoint (connect to device)

Payload data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint8 A byte (bool?) 01
Uint64 Endpoint MAC 000D6F00DEADBEEF


Send    \x05\x05\x03\x03000701000D6F00DEADBEEFFF58\r\n'
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x03000000B500C1B937\r\n'

Oddly enough there is no actual command response to this command. Command 00x23 is used to poll the status of the endpoint.

Command 0x0008

Description: Unknown (get Circle+ MAC?)

Payload data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint8 A byte (bool?) 01

Example: Byte field is 1

Send    \x05\x05\x03\x030008014068\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x030000017E00C11A4D\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x030000017E00D9000D6F0001A5A3729865\r\n

Or Byte field is 0

Send    \x05\x05\x03\x030008005049\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x03000000EA00C1E5F6\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x03000000EA00DD000D6F0001A5A372CDA9\r\n

Response data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint16 Command response code 0000
Uint16 Sequence number 017E
Uint16 Unknown 00D9/00DD
Uint64 Circle+ MAC 000D6F0001A5A372

Command 0x0009

Description: Disassociate endpoint?

Payload data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint64 Endpoint MAC 000D6F0001A400E2
Uint16 No idea, could also be 2 Uint8 fields 0204

In the experiment I did command 0x009 was always followed up by command 0x001C.


Send    \x05\x05\x03\x030009000D6F0001A400E20204B7E0\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x03000000BD00C10EE0\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x03000000BD00F2000D6F0001A400E20F3E\r\n

Response data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint16 Command response code 0000
Uint16 Sequence number 00BD
Uint16 Unknown, seems to stay 00F2 00F2
Uint64 Endpoint MAC 000D6F0001A400E2

Command 0x000A (from plugwise unleashed)

Description: Init/Reset the stick

No data


Send     \x05\x05\x03\x03000AB43C\r\n
Receive  \x05\x05\x03\x03000000E700C135F5\r\n
Receive  \x05\x05\x03\x03001100E7000D6F0001A59EDC0101FD0D6F0001A5A37234FDFF9418\r\n

Response data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint16 Command response code 0011
Uint16 Sequence number 00E7
Uint64 MAC of stick 000D6F0001A59EDC
Uint8 Unknown, usually 01 01
Uint8 Link up.
1 if associated with circle+, 0 otherwise
Uint64 Long network code FD0D6F0001A5A372
Uint16 Short network code 34FD
Uint8 Unknown, always 0xFF FF

Command 0x0012 (from plugwise unleashed)

Description: Power information request (current power usage measurement)

Payload data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint64 Endpoint MAC 000D6F0001A20F97


Send    \x05\x05\x03\x030012000D6F0001A20F97AFC7\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x03000000F200C1D842\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x03001300F2000D6F0001A20F97000200140000245700000000000FED46\r\n

Response data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint16 Command response code 0013
Uint16 Sequence number 00F2
Uint64 Endpoint MAC 000D6F0001A20F97
Uint16 Pulses per 1 second interval 0002
Uint16 Pulses per 8 second interval 0014
Uint32 Total number of pulses (consumption?) 00002457
Uint32 Total number of pulses (production) 00000000
Uint16 Unknown 000F

Example conversion code (credits Maarten Damen)

def pulsecorrection(pulses, timespansource, timespantarget, gain_a, gain_b, offtot, offnoise):
    Corrects pulses based on calibration information, and time elapsed.
    if pulses == 0.0:
        return 0.0

    corrected = 0.0
    value = pulses / timespansource
    value += offnoise
    out = timespantarget * (((pow(value, 2.0) * gain_b) + (value * gain_a)) + offtot)
    return out

def pulsetowatt(pulses):
    Converts pulses to the watt unit.
    return(self.pulsetokwh(pulses) * 1000) 

def pulsetokwh(pulses):
    Converts pulses to the kWh unit.
    return (pulses / 3600.0) / 468.9385193

Command 0x0016

Description: Unknown

Payload data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint64 Circle+ MAC address 000D6F0001A5A372
??? Unknown 110B091FFFFFFFFF0E373B04


Send    \x05\x05\x03\x030016000D6F0001A5A372110B091FFFFFFFFF0E373B04C056\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x030000017000C1249C\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x030000017000D7000D6F0001A5A3725774\r\n

Response data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint16 Unknown 00D7
Uint64 Circle+ MAC 000D6F0001A5A372

Command 0x0018

Description: Get endpoint MAC

Payload data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint64 Circle+ MAC address 000D6F0001A5A372
Uint8 Index of the endpoint to get the MAC for (0 based) 00

In total 63 (0x3F) endpoints can be assigned.


Send    \x05\x05\x03\x030018000D6F0001A5A37200C50F\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x030000012E00C1594C\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x030019012E000D6F0001A5A372000D6F0001A400E2006B33\r\n

Or, when the index is unassigned:

Send    \x05\x05\x03\x030018000D6F0001A5A3721BA8EB\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x030000014900C14200\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x0300190149000D6F0001A5A372FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF1B0918\r\n

Response data

Type Description Data in example
Uint16 Command response code 0019
Uint16 Sequence number 012E
Uint64 Circle+ MAC this unit is associated to 000D6F0001A5A372
Uint64 Requested endpoint MAC 000D6F0001A400E2/FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Uint8 Endpoint index (0 based) 00/1B

Command 0x001C

Description: Remove endpoint from Circle+/Stick registered nodes list.

Payload data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint64 Circle+ MAC 000D6F0001A5A372
Uint64 MAC of endpoint to remove 000D6F0001A404A5

In the experiment I did this command was always preceded by command 0x009, but only if the node being removed existed/was online.


Send    \x05\x05\x03\x03001C000D6F0001A5A372000D6F0001A404A5CFF3\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x03000003A500C1AF55\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x03001D03A5000D6F0001A5A372000D6F0001A404A50104C2\r\n

Response data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint16 Command response code 001D
Uint16 Sequence number 03A5
Uint64 Circle+ MAC 000D6F0001A5A372
Uint64 Removed endpoint's MAC 000D6F0001A404A5
Uint8 Success flag? 01

Command 0x0023 (from plugwise unleashed)

Description: Device information request

Payload data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint64 MAC of unit to receive info from 000D6F0001A59EDC


Send    \x05\x05\x03\x030023000D6F00029082EDE943\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x030000020A00C18388\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x030024020A000D6F00029082ED110B1B1A0006535801856539090011064E0844C202271C\r\n

When the node cannot be found the following data is received (note the ack command response code):

Send    \x05\x05\x03\x030023000D6F0001A404A56508\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x03000003B100C1E8B3\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x03000003B100E14215\r\n

When an Ack command response code is received with 0x00E1 as status the unit was not found.

Response data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint16 Command response code 0024
Uint16 Sequence number 020A
Uint64 MAC of unit 000D6F00029082ED
Uint8 Internal clock year 11
Uint8 Internal clock month 0B
Uint16 Internal clock minutes 1B1A
Uint32 Current log address 00065358
Uint8 Power state.
1 = on, 0 = off
Uint8 Net frequency of unit, 85 appears to be 50 Hz 85
String(12) Hardware version of unit 653909001106
Uint32 Epoch timestamp of build date of unit 4E0844C2
Uint8 Trailing byte, meaning unknown 02

Example code (credits Maarten Damen):

def logaddresstoint(self, logaddress):
    Converts plugwise log address to integer.
    return (logaddress - 278528) / 32 

def deviceinforesponse(self, response):
    Handles plugwise general device information response.
    if len(response) != 70 or response.startswith(self.DEVINFORESPONSE) == False:
        print "invalid device information response"
        #print response
        macaddress  = response[8:24]
        year        = self.hextoint(response[24:26]) + 0x7d0
        month       = self.hextoint(response[26:28])
        minutes     = self.hextoint(response[28:32])

            logaddress  = self.logaddresstoint(self.hextoint(response[32:40]))
        powerstate  = self.hextoint(response[40:42])
        #herz        = self.determinehz(response[42:44])
        hwversion   = "%s-%s-%s" % (response[44:48], response[48:52], response[52:56])
        firmware     = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.hextoint(response[56:64])) 

        for device in self.devices:
            if device.address == macaddress:
                device = device

        status = False
        if powerstate == 1:
            status = True
        elif powerstate == 0:
            status = False

        args = [device.id, status]
        self.router.sendcommand("update_status", args, "database")
        print logaddress 
        # update buffer information
        if (device.lastlogaddress < logaddress):
               if device.lastlogaddress == None:
                   lastlogaddress = 0
               lastlogaddress = device.lastlogaddress

        for i in range(lastlogaddress+1, logaddress+1):
               self.get_powerbuffer(str(device.address), i)
           self.waitreply = False  

Command 0x0026 (from plugwise unleashed)

Description: Retrieve circle(+) calibration data

Payload data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint64 MAC of unit to get calibration data from 000D6F0001A400E2


Send    \x05\x05\x03\x030026000D6F0001A400E25681\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x03000000F400C115C7\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x03002700F4000D6F0001A400E23F7F1C61B60D16843D2822C100000000BF7F\r\n

Response data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint16 Command response code 0027
Uint16 Sequence number 00F4
Uint64 MAC of device being calibrated 000D6F0001A400E2
Real32 Calibration gain A 3F7F1C61
Real32 Calibration gain B B60D1684
Real32 Calibration offset 3D2822C1
Real32 Offset noise 00000000

Command 0x0028

Description: Unknown


Send    \x05\x05\x03\x030028000D6F0001A5A372005614040211178BC6\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x030000017200C1601F\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x030000017200DF000D6F0001A5A372A65C\r\n

Command 0x0029

Description: Unknown (has something to do with the Circle+)

Payload data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint64 Circle+ MAC 000D6F0001A5A372


Send    \x05\x05\x03\x030029000D6F0001A5A3720AC4\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x03000000EB00C10B24\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x03003A00EB000D6F0001A5A3725753140402111710A2\r\n

Response data (assuming build info):

Type Description Data in example
Uint16 Command response code 003A
Uint16 Sequence number 00F4
Uint64 Circle+ MAC 000D6F0001A5A372
? Unknown 57531404021117

Command 0x003E

Description: Unknown

Payload data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint64 Endpoint MAC address 000D6F0001A40223


Send    \x05\x05\x03\x03003E000D6F0001A40223221E\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x03000000FE00C1A210\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x03003F00FE000D6F0001A402230E36040401457ABADC\r\n

Response data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint16 Command response code 003F
Uint16 Sequence number 00FE
Uint64 Endpoint MAC 000D6F0001A40223
? Unknown 0E36040401457A

Command 0x0040

Description: Unknown


Send    \x05\x05\x03\x030040000D6F0001A402230001738B\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x03000000FF00C14CC2\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x03000000FF00E5000D6F0001A402238EE1\r\n

Command 0x0048 (from plugwise unleashed)

Description: Read power buffer information

Payload data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint64 Endpoint MAC 000D6F0001A40223
Uint16 Sequence number 00FE
Uint32 Log address to retrieve 00044020


Send    \x05\x05\x03\x030048000D6F0001A40223000440204AAE\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x030000003700C1FD88\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x0300490037000D6F0001A40223110B1C5C000007C1110B1C98000007B8110B1CD4000007B7110B1D10 000007AC000440202B72\r\n

Response data:

Type Description Data in example
Uint16 Command response code 0049
Uint16 Sequence number 0037
Uint64 Endpoint MAC 000D6F0001A40223
Uint32 First log date 110B1C5C
Uint32 Total pulse count in first logged hour 000007C1
Uint32 Second log date 110B1C98
Uint32 Total pulse count in second logged hour 000007C1
Uint32 Third log date 110B1CD4
Uint32 Total pulse count in third logged hour 000007C1
Uint32 Fourth log date 110B1D10
Uint32 Total pulse count in fourth logged hour 000007AC
Uint32 Log address of this buffer 00044020

Example code (credits Maarten Damen):

def clockinfotodatetime(self, year, month, minutes):
    Converts plugwise device date and time information to pythonic datetime.
    time = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=tzutc())
    if year > 2000:
        year = year - 2000

    time += relativedelta(months=+month-1, years=+year, minutes=+minutes, hours=-1)
    return time

Command 0x004A

Description: Unknown


Send    \x05\x05\x03\x03004A000D6F0001A5A3723C016934\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x030000017300C1CA4E\r\n
Receive \x83'
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x030000017300F1000D6F0001A5A372AB40\r\n

Command 0x0058

Description: Unknown


Send    \x05\x05\x03\x030058000D6F0001A20F97007DC0\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x030000019200C1E0BC\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x030000019200F9000D6F0001A20F97C8B3\r\n

Command 0x005F

Description: Unknown


Send    \x05\x05\x03\x03005F000D6F0001A400E2FC53\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x03000000F500C1BF96\r\n
Receive \x05\x05\x03\x03006000F5000D6F0001A400E2FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE3E91\r\n