Fine-Grained Knowledge Tracing model (FGKT)

Primary LanguagePython


Fine-Grained Knowledge Tracing model (FGKT).
This project is the Pytorch implementation for FGKT.

If you have more questions about our experiments, you can contact us. email: shunm@m.scnu.edu.cn


In 'data' folder, we have provided the processed datasets. If you would like to access the raw datasets, the raw datasets are placed in the following links:



  • Linux operation system


  • python 3+
  • sklearn 0.21.3
  • tqdm 4.54.1
  • torch 1.7.0
  • numpy 1.19.2

Running FGKT

Here is a example for using FGKT model (on ASSISTments Competition):

  python main.py --dataset assist2017  

If you do not want to use the default parameters for your experiments, you can change the model parameters in the following way:

  python main.py --dataset assist2017 --gpu 0 --patience 5 --lr 0.001 --num_heads 1  --mode 3 --exercise_embed_dim 128 --batch_size 32

Explanation of parameters:

  • gpu: Specify the GPU to be used, e.g '0,1,2,3'. If CPU is used then fill in -1.
  • patience: Maximum number of times if validation loss does not decrease.
  • lr: Learning rate
  • num_heads: Number of head attentions.
  • mode: Selection of integration function.
  • exercise_embed_dim: Number of exercise embedding dimensions.
  • batch_size: Number of batch size.