
This repository contains Data Communication Fundamentals assignments from Seneca College's DCF255 course.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🌐 DCF255 - Data Communications Fundamentals

Welcome to the repository for DCF255 - Data Communications Fundamentals, a course I completed at Seneca College during Winter 2022. Dive in to explore the exciting world of data communications, network protocols, and internet applications!

🚀 Course Overview

This course provides a comprehensive foundation in data communications, using well-known Internet applications and standard networking technology as examples. It prepares students to design and create effective software in our connected world.

🎯 Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, I was able to:

  1. Master Data Communications Terminology: Explain the jargon of data communications and networks.
  2. Identify Network Components: Recognize network characteristics and their hardware/software to tackle implementation and configuration tasks.
  3. Apply Standards: Use published standards to develop solutions and work plans.
  4. Understand Internet & TCP/IP: Explain the structure and functionality of the Internet and TCP/IP protocol to enhance programming skills.
  5. Utilize Internet Applications: Demonstrate the use of widely-used Internet applications for common tasks.
  6. Network Programming: Develop simple programs communicating over a network.
  7. Analyze Security & Deployment: Investigate security, deployment, and reliability issues to understand or implement systems.

🗂 Repository Structure

Explore the different sections of the repository:

  • Assignments: All assignments and project files [📂]
  • Labs: Lab exercises and related files [🔬]