
python web service

Primary LanguagePython

Fullstack Developer Job Application Assignment

Our servers receive health reports from different types of devices. Our backend generates a report based on pre-defined formula of device and status.

Your assignment consists of the following:

Part #1: Processing

  • Attached an example of a report that was generated based on the devices health reports - see report.csv.
  • You need to process the incoming CSV data, let's assume this will run in a periodic manner (how?)
  • The CSV is formatted with the following columns:
    • timestamp
    • id
    • type
    • status
  • You can do with the data whatever you like (store in-memory, database, files, etc.)
  • The data will be used only for the status report (Part #2).
  • Write a script/tool that will pre-process the data from this CSV and prepare it for Part #2.
  • You can write this script in any language you want, preferably Python or Ruby.
  • Keep this script as simple as possible, it has one task and should do only this one task!

Part #2: Reporting

View 1

  • Users selects a day
  • Display the 10 most "popular" devices, Popularity of a device is defined as the number of distinct occurrences in the same day
  • For each device in the report, show the percentage change of occurrences in the same day a week before.

View 2

  • User selects a device type from the list of available types and status.
  • Display a table of day and total devices for each day (for the last 30 days).
  • The web-app is read-only (the user cannot add/modify the data).
Implementation details:
  • The trends reporting must be implemented as a web-application.
  • No need to implement authentication / login for the web application.
  • Design (colors etc.) is not really important for this assignment, don't waste your time on CSS tweaks.

Sample data


Shakrah's notes

  1. Processing incoming CSV data periodically.
  • If CSV files arrive regularly, they should be uploaded to an AWS bucket. Then a nightly cron job would run the processing job 'preprocess.py' for each report in reports.
  • Processing is defined in 'models.py'
  1. Populate the db.
  • run store_data.py
  1. Todo Items:
  • If this was in production I would enable caching to improve performance time on sql queries.
  • And encrypt secret keys.
  • If I knew how the incoming reports were named I would create an output file for each report.
  • DeviceType and Status could have their own models which would guard against invalid values (currently we allow 'busy' or even 'xxx' as a status).
  • Fix spelling of Occurrence and monitor. :)