
HF testcase

Primary LanguagePython

HF Test Guide



We defaultly use BF16 OOB and BF16 + torch.compile in CPU for all inference tasks, run the following command:

sh run_cpu.sh

After running this command, you can find the data in the cpu_benmark.log. Make sure you read the instruuction at the beginning of the log.


Before running the testcases, please use the following command to first verify whether you are in the right XPU test environment:

source {ONEAPI_ROOT}/compiler/env/vars.sh
source {ONEAPI_ROOT}/mkl/env/vars.sh
source {ONEAPI_ROOT}/ccl/env/vars.sh
python -c "import torch; import intel_extension_for_pytorch as ipex; print(torch.__version__); print(ipex.__version__); [print(f'[{i}]: {torch.xpu.get_device_properties(i)}') for i in range(torch.xpu.device_count())];"

The command should return PyTorch* and Intel® Extension for PyTorch* versions installed, as well as GPU card(s) information detected. If it fails, you will need follow the IPEX official documentation to set-up the correct environment. Please note that the first 3 source commands are needed in order to use IPEX. But you only need to run it once for one termial session. You can use the given env.sh to activate the required oneAPI environment, e.g. if your oneAPI basekit is installed under /opt/intel/oneapi, you can run ./env.sh /opt/intel/oneapi.

For Intel Native Experience on XPU, first install the testcase software dependencies:

pip install -r requirements_xpu.txt

Note: if the installation of transformers and accelerate fail, you will have to install them from source.

Then run the command:

./run_all_task_xpu.sh --model_dtype float16 --warm_up_steps 10 --run_steps 10 2>&1 | tee xpu_benchmark_raw.log 

If you want to compare the performance with NV GPU, just add the flag --device cuda to the command above.

When the test finishes, you can use the following command to extract the performance data from the log:

python analyse_logs.py --file_names xpu_benchmark_raw.log --out_name xpu_benchmark.log



We defaultly use amp bf16 to train meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf in yahma/alpaca-cleaned dataset with 6 DDP in a single instance, run the following command:

./run.sh --task fine-tune --device cpu


./run.sh --task fine-tune --device xpu


./run.sh --task fine-tune --device cuda


Connection Error

If you cannot connect to huggingface model hub, please try export HF_ENDPOINT=https://hf-mirror.com

Batch Size

The actual batch size is calculated as $$micro_batch_sizegradient_accumulation_stepsworld_size$$ where the gradient_accumulation_steps is calculated using the following formular: $$gradient_accumulation_steps = batch_size // micro_batch_size // world_size$$ Please make sure that the given batch size is divisible by micro_batch_size and world_size, otherwise the actual batch size will differ from the the given batch size, e.g. with batch_size=128, micro_batch_size=4 and world_size=6, the actual batch size is equal to 120, rather than 128.