
iOS Starter Kit which wrote by Objective-C and Swift

Primary LanguageObjective-C


A starter kit for iOS developer which wrote by Swift and Objective-C

Use FastApp you can makes creating standard iOS app more simple.

FastApp is build on the mainstream frameworks and use Masonry to auto layout.

Build-in frameworks

  • Masonry
  • AFNetworking
  • MBProgressHUD
  • SDWebImage
  • MJRefresh
  • MJExtension

Some tools were built on top of the above libraries. Such as FSAutolayoutor, FSServerCommunicator, MBProgressHUD+Show, etc.

It's also provide many common ui components. That means you don’t need to develop from zero. Just rename project and your want to renamed...


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run carthage bootstrap or pod install from the root directory first.


FastApp supports Swift5 and iOS 13.6+.


Swift is default develop language. If you need Objc support, just change branch to Objective-C

git clone https://github.com/tangkunyin/FastApp.git
cd FastApp

# install all swift frameworks
carthage bootstrap
# add or update a single framework
carthage update Box

## or multiple frameworks
carthage update Box1 Box2

Other things

In the earlier years, I have written a little useful shells. Such as auto packaging tool

If you want be more efficient in development. Just clone the repo shellbox


FastApp is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for more info.