
Build user and password lists based on Dehashed results.

Primary LanguagePython


Generate user and password lists based off Dehashed JSON exports.


dehashed-lists is a Python script used to parse through Dehashed JSON files to build user and password wordlists. The lists can then be used in dictionary attacks using publicly accessible password dumps.


git clone https://github.com/syyntax/dehashed-lists.git

Command Usage

python3 main.py --file <FILE>


Option Description
--file, -f FILE Import the JSON file as FILE.
--email, -e Consider email addresses as valid usernames.
--help Show the help information.

Sample Usage

Generate wordlists from example.json

python3 /opt/dehashed-lists/main.py --file example.json

Generate wordlists from example.json that include email addresses as usernames

python3 /opt/dehashed-lists/main.py --file example.json --email


The application will create three files. These three files will contain unique entries (no duplicates):

  • userpass.lst
  • users.lst
  • pass.lst