
便捷, 丰富的Flask脚手架,已配置好基本所需库, 适当的examples, 适合快速架构项目并开始开发!

Primary LanguagePython

Hello EveryBody!



This is a scaffold based on the flask framework, including common plugins, such as redis, mongodb, mysql, jwt.

Your project can be developed based on this scaffold.

In the future, i will continue to improve this scaffold, any person who interested in can join me to perfect this scaffold

How to Start

  1. git clone https://github.com/syz247179876/Flask-Start.git

  2. pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. developing and enjoy yourself


Now the following plugin liberay that this scaffold support:

  1. Support Redis

  2. Support Mongodb

  3. Support Mysql

  4. Support Celery and Celery-Beat

  5. Support Aliyun Short Message

  6. Support Hash encryption

  7. Support Jwt

  8. Support Nginx Config

  9. Support Gunicon Config

  10. Support Supervisord Config to manage above progresses

  11. Support OSS

Service you need

Please go to official website to download Redis, Mongodb

Startup File

python -m wsgi or python manage.py runserver

Project File directory

|      +--__init__.py
|      +--supervisord_flask
|      +--nginx.conf
|      +--gunicorn.conf
|      +--urls
|      |      +--__init__.py
|      |      +--user_urls.py
|      +--tasks
|      |      +--__init__.py
|      |      +--send_code.py
|      +--__init__.py
|      +--signals
|      |      +--__init__.py
|      |      +--default_handle.py
|      |      +--signal.py
|      +--utils
|      |      +--qq_oauth.py
|      |      +--__init__.py
|      |      +--api_permission.py
|      |      +--exception.py
|      |      +--success_code.py
|      |      +--json.py
|      |      +--fields.py
|      +--models
|      |      +--__init__.py
|      +--api
|      |      +--__init__.py
|      +--__init__.py
|      +--hasher.py
|      +--oss.py
|      +--sms.py
|      +--extensions.py
|      +--celery_app.py
|      +--crypto.py
|      +--database.py
|      +--redis.py
|      +--log-40
|      +--__init__.py
|      +--testing.py
|      +--default.py
|      +--development.py
|      +--production.py