
Part 2 and 3 of the course project for EN 317 (Thermo-Fluid Devices)

Primary LanguagePython

Cascade Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycle

(thermodynamic simulation using CoolProp, and modelling using ht, on Python)

This repository contains the files used by Group 3, in Parts 2 & 3 of the Course Project for EN 317 (Thermo-Fluid Devices).

├── README.md         <- This file (added for the reader's convenience).
├── chx.py            <- Physically models the cascade heat exchanger based on the simulation results.
                         Invoked by executing main.py.
├── cost.py           <- Computes the total capital cost using suitable cost functions.
                         Invoked by executing main.py.
├── main.py           <- The only executable file.
|                        Sets all the assumed input parameters.
|                        Generates the output.
|                        Broad simple overview of the program execution.
├── model.py          <- All thermodynamic equations, and compilation of results.
|                        Invoked by main.py and parametrise.py.
├── parametrise.py    <- Varies the ambient temperature and plots the change in COP.
|                        Invoked by executing main.py.
├── shorthands.py     <- Syntactical shortening of CoolProp functions.
|                        Invoked inside model.py.
├── paraTamb.png      <- Graphical output of the parametric study.
|                        Generated by invoking parametrise.py.
├── CP2 G03.pdf       <- The report for Part 2 of the project (modelling and simulation).
└── CP3 G03.pdf       <- The report for Part 3 of the project (techno-economic analysis).

Python libraries needed: CoolProp, matplotlib, numpy, pandas