
[fix specs, add CI, Dockerize, custom features] A futaba styled Rails imageboard

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Imageboard Mei Build Status

Mei is a Futaba-styled imageboard, allowing people to discuss and upload pictures. My aim is to improve the user interface to my liking, instead of mimicking the traditional Futaba's look & feel.

Visit the wiki to see more information! I try to minimize number of commits so documentations are all over there!


  • Multi-image upload
  • Image upload using url
  • Better user interface
  • Multi-board support
  • Extensible



Requires docker and docker-compose installed on your box.

First run:

cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml

cp config/environments/default.yml.example config/environments/default.yml

docker-compose up -d

docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake db:create 

docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake db:migrate

docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake db:seed

Then visit localhost:3000/i in your browser.

Start server:

docker-compose up -d #-d for daemon mode in the background

Stop server:

docker-compose stop

Run specs:

docker-compose build app

docker-compose up -d

docker-compose exec app bundle exec rspec

Useful aliases to avoid repetitive typing (place in ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc):

# NOTE: this includes `bundle exec` by default from the Dockerfile's `ENTRYPOINT`
alias d="docker-compose exec app " 

alias dc="docker-compose "

Managing your board data

Boot into the Rails console with rails c. Then you can run commands such as:

Topic.destroy_all clear out the default topic its nested posts

Post.destroy_all clear all posts, across all boards

Post.find(idhere).destroy delete a post

Topic.find(idhere).destroy delete a topic and all of its nested posts

Post.find(idhere).update_attribute(:content_html, "<p>I didn't say that!</p>") update a specific post

Board.find_by_seo_name("i").topics.destroy_all clear all topics/posts on the specified board

Board.all list all boards, including the default /i/

Board.first.update_attributes(seo_name: "b", name: "Random") updates the default board info

Board.create(seo_name: "a", name: "Anime") creates a new board


You can replace app/views/application/index.html with whatever you want in order to change the home page. You can also edit/replace partials in app/views/partials/_global for _bottom_of_footer.erb, _bottom_of_head.erb, _top_of_header.erb, and _after_form.erb to customize the global content. To override these settings on a per-board basis, create a corresponding version for your board name. For example to override the global footer with one specific to /i/ you'd create a app/views/partials/i/_bottom_of_footer.erb


bottom_of_head placed at the bottom of to insert custom javascipt/css

top_of_header top nav bar

bottom_of_footer footer content

after_form content underneath the post form such as news or board rules