Run $ yarn install
in root folder. The project is using yarn workspaces
so all packages will have their dependencies installed
- Login to MongoDB Atlas
- Give access to your current IP address
- Acquire Database Connection String
- Set
It is a Web Server that returns web pages and also exposes and API.
- The web server is build on top of NodeJS using the ExpressJS framework.
- All request bodies are accepted in JSON format with the help of Express's built in JSON middleware.
- Routing is done with Express's built in Router
- Ids in the system are generated by uuidv4 with the uuid npm package.
- Passwords are hashed and compared using the bcrypt library.
is defined by the JSON Web Tokens industry standard RFC 7519 method, implemented by the javascript library, jsonwebtoken. Token secret (AUTH_TOKEN_SECRET
) should be defined as an environment variable.- Database connection happens via the mongodb node driver. Database connection string (
) should be defined as an environment variable. - Environment variables are configured via the dotenv npm package
User Registration
POST api/auth/register HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Request Body:
[required] email: string,
[required] password: string,
Response Status Codes
400 - Invalid Request
409 - Email address already exists
422 - Body validation error
500 - Internal Server Error
201 - Registration Successful
400, 409, 500 Response Body:
message: string,
422 Response Body:
hasError: boolean,
emailError: string | "",
passwordError: string | "",
201 Response Body:
email: string,
username: string,
User Login
POST api/auth/login HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Request Body:
[required] email: string,
[required] password: string,
Response Status Codes
400 - Invalid Request
422 - Body validation error
500 - Internal Server Error
200 - Registration Successful
400, 500 Response Body:
message: string,
422 Response Body:
hasError: boolean,
emailError: string | "",
passwordError: string | "",
200 Response Body:
in case there's an error with the login (username or password is icorrect)
hasError: boolean,
errorMessage: string,
in case the login has been successful
access_token: JWT,
refresh_token: string,
Token refresh
POST api/auth/refresh HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Request Body:
[required] refresh_token: string,
Response Status Codes
400 - Invalid Request
401 - Access Denied (refresh token incorrect, has already been used, has expired)
500 - Internal Server Error
200 - Registration Successful
400, 401, 500 Response Body:
message: string,
200 Response Body:
access_token: JWT,
refresh_token: string,
It is a command line interface that has the ability to execute a few database opperations:
- list all the available opperationscount users
- will return the number of users in the databasedelete e2e test users
- delete all users that start withe2e-test
Uses the NodeJS readline library for user input and connects to MongoDB instance via MongoDB Node Driver
- Dependencies must be installed
has to be defined as an environment variable
Run package
$ yarn workspace @auth/utils start
in order to start Utils CLI$ yarn workspace @auth/utils dev
in order to start the development environment
The project achitecture follows the traditional Client Server Database approach so the server
is responsible for exposing an API via ExpressJS .